Backstage; Post SS Raw

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When Angela comes through the curtains, everyone is seen clapping for her after what happened in the ring. She smiled and thanked everyone. She later sat down in her locker room, changing into some normal clothes. However, she's in no hurry to leave, as she wants to see the match between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.

The match begins as it always does. Angela knew that this will be Bret Hart's last match in the WWF, but she's still rooting for him in this match. Soon, she witnesses Shawn applying the Sharpshooter on Bret, but she knew he'll find a way to switch it.

*bell rings*

Shawn's theme plays as the ref leaves the ring. But...Bret didn't even tap out. Angela was confused and shocked by this. The announcer claims that Michaels is the new WWF Champion, making her even more confused. And it that's wasn't enough, Vince McMahon was there.

Angela couldn't believe what she just saw. Bret Hart, one of her heroes was screwed by Vince McMahon. This was upsetting for her. She could just imagine everyone's shock, confusion, and anger in the arena and backstage.

Seeing Bret yell and spit at Vince was kinda hilarious, but understandable, seeing how furious he was. He then gestures 'WCW' to the crowd, telling the crowd where he's going now. This was one of the most shocking moments in Angela's life.

*the next day*

At the Corel Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Angela is seen walking to her locker room. She can tell everyone backstage was silent after what happened last night. She is as well. She doesn't have anything to say, so she remained respectfully silent.

She enters her locker room and placed her thinks on the floor. She sighs and sat down.

Angela: I can't believe what just happened yesterday. Why would Vince do that to Bret?

Any respect she had with Mr. McMahon went down as low as the lowest integer. In layman's terms, none. But, there is no point in overthinking, as the show must go on. Just as she was about to change, the door knocks.

Angela: Come in.

The door opens, revealing Mark as enters the room.

Mark: How are you?

Angela: Still shocked about last night.

Mark: I understand. I was downright pissed off when that happened.

Angela: I heard you got into an argument with Mr. McMahon last night.

Mark: Yeah. Chewed him a new asshole, and Bret got to punch his sorry ass.

Angela: *chuckles* Wish I was there to see it. That must've been awesome to see.

Mark: Indeed it was. Also, great match last night. You and Chyna did an amazing job out there.

Angela: Thanks, Mark. I appreciate it.

Mark: No problem. Keep up with the performance, and maybe one day, you'll get the chance to go after the Women's Championship.

Angela: Really?

Mark: I guarantee it. Anyway, get yourself ready. There's something planned for you when the show starts.

Angela: Okay. Thanks, Mark.

Mark: No problem.

He leaves the room as Angela begins to change her clothes. Outside, Mark sighs as he walks away.

Mark: Let's hope that DNA test can clear any doubts in my head.

*later, during the show*

Shawn Michaels is seen, in the ring with his partners, as well as Rick Rude, as he addresses the most controversial moment in all of Wrestling History that occurred last night at the Main Event of Survivor Series. The crowd was chanting hateful comments on their way, why they ignored or tainted them.

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