The truth Comes...

641 23 15

Angela: Are you sure Vince is letting me go for the 2 weeks off?

Angela and Mark are seen entering the airport so that she can go back to Seattle to visit her mother figure, Joan, and the kids at the Orphanage for Christmas.

Mark: Yep. Since he knows you're always hanging around with me, sort of under my wing, he allows that you could go visit Joan and the other kids.

Angela: Oh, okay. And what about you? You don't have to come with me, Mark.

Mark: I know, but I would like to accompany you so you wouldn't feel alone on the trip back home.

Angela: That's nice of you, Mark. You're gonna love Joan. She's the sweetest woman you could ever meet.

Mark: From what you told me, I can already think of the kind of person she is. A gentle woman who's a mother figure to you.

Angela: And oh! I forgot that the kids would recognize you. It might break the illusion of your gimmick.

Mark: Don't worry. I'm sure they don't mind me looking like this.

Angela: Okay. We can come up with it along the way.

Mark: Alright. Let's hurry. We'll miss our flight.

Angela: Right. Let's go.

The walk off to catch their flight to Seattle, Washington.

Time skip: December 24*

We see Mark and Angela going down the street in taxi as they reach her hotel complex from where lived before joining the WWF. The got out of the taxi as they pick up their stuff.

Mark: This is where you lived?

Angela: Yeah. I was around 18 and I decided to go live somewhere to not bother the children. But, I still keep in touch on them and send toys and other stuff they can play.

Mark: That's real sweet of you, Angela.

Angela: Thanks. We'll be staying here before we leave to go back to work. But, I don't have an extra bed for you.

Mark: Do you have a couch?

Angela: Yes.

Mark: I'll sleep there. Don't worry.

Angela: Okay. Let's settle in before going to the Orphanage.

Mark nods as they went to the complex to enter her hotel room.


After getting their stuff taken care off at her hotel room. Angela and Mark took a Taxi to the orphanage. Along with them, Angela has a big bag full of presents for the kids box and smaller one, most likely for Joan.

They soon arrive at the Orphanage. Soon, Angela knocks on the door. After a while, it opens as it reveals the director of the Orphanage, Joan.

Joan: *smiles warmly* Angela. So good to see you after all this time.

Angela: Indeed, Angela.

The both hugged as Mark looks on with a warm smile on his face. Soon, they release the hug as Joan shook Mark's hand.

Joan: A pleasure to meet you, Mark.

Mark: The pleasure's all mine, Joan.

Joan: Come inside. The children are waiting to see their big sister.

Angela smiles as they entered the building. Soon, they entered the main room as some kids are seen, playing and talking about Christmas. Soon, one of them sees Angela and gasps.

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