not the only one with that power

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My father is coming.Hans said.

What I said to him confuse and shock.

I said my father is coming hans said again but louder.

But how do you know is coming I asked him.

Today is his birthday and I promised him I will come. he said if I don't come he'll come and pick me.

But don't he know what you try to do stealing our castle I asked him.

He knows Hans said.

But why will he come here if he knows you might not have the castle you are going to steal I asked him.

Because he trust me and I promised him that I'll get him this castle Hans said.

So what am I going to do I asked him.

You have three option 1 set me free. 2 help me and fake I have the castle 3 war.

What I asked.

Set me free Hans said.

No no the last one I ask again.

War he replied.

What do you mean by war I asked.

If my dad found out that am in jail he will make a war and you won't be able to win this war Elsa he said worried.

I have my powers I can defeat them I said confident.

So you got you powers back he said.

yah and I can defeat them all I said more confident.

You're not the only one with that power.

Guys hope you like it' its not long cause I was so busy with me new story rude please real rude and if I get twenty five votes I will update this story tomorrow so vote and don't forget to read and vote for my new story rude love you ( :

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