part 2 : elsa lost her power

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Hans POV .

I heard about the power remover, I heard no one have ever seen her, she hides in trees so as I escaped from the prison and quickly went to find her, I went to places were trees are many.

about three days later, in the night as I was sleeping somewhere where there were no trees around, only one big tree which I was laying down on, dreaming of how to get my revenge on elsa, then I saw a lady come out of the only big tree in the forest were I was resting on. I was shock as I jump up of were I was resting and brought out my sword as she said "calm down I saw your dream, you really want to see me, don't you?."

I said shock "your the the power remover"

she said no that not my name my name is lost

I said lost can you help me with something or someone

she said anything cause you are the first to see me

I smiled. there's a girl who has a frozen power can you remove it

she said yes I can but it does not last for long only two week

I said that's more than enough well do it

she said you have to bring her here

I said OK I will be back after two days

she said better hurry I don't stay in one tree I move every three days

I said OK that mean I have to start walking

Mean while in the palace

Elsa POV .

Olaf and ky having fun while Anna worrying. as kristoff was conforting her not to worry as I was talking with the guard I saw Hans I quickly followed him shouting Hans wait there the guard wanted to follow me I said don't guide Anna don't tell her yet until am gone

they said yes queen elsa

I hurry and I was seeing track leading to him.

have been walking for four hour but nothing I saw track of him but have not seen him after eight hours I stoped and rested on a tree when hans came out saying nice spot for resting

I said leave us alone or I will freeze your heart

he said faking to be scared oh am so scare I don't think so.

in my shock some one came out from the tree and hold my heard as I felt weak and I was loosing control freezing every were then I fainted.

and next morning i woke up I hurry and try to reverse the frozing forest noticing my power were gone I tryed and tried I gave up kicking the tree screaming what did you did to me for five minute suddenly i remembered Hans I did not know what happened to him all I know he was running from my powers that was losing controlled.

I saw a coat it was han I think the tree branch hit his head so he fainted I tied him up after two hour we both woke up we were hugging has we were sleeping as I woke up I quickly move away from Hans then I went close to his face he looks cute when his asleep I shakedown my head what cute he's so not cute he is evil and so bad then i remember I lost my power then I woke him up kicking him he suddenly woke up and said what happened

I said what happened I lost my power why what did that girl did to me

he laughed and said nothing mush just removed your power

I said your a jerk .

as he moved he noticed he was tied he said let me go

I said do you think I will let you go just like that Noway uh why are you not laughing

he screamed let me go.

it was so loud that the snow fell I ran

Hans said Elsa let me go I can't die

I went back to him puling his rope as fast as I can we escaped I stopped started breating fast

he said thanks

I said I would have just leave you. just that am not like you OK

he said whatever let's go I walked an hour pulling the rope that was tied on hans we stopped when I was tired and I saw a tree with grapes I climbed up and I got a lot cause it was all over the branches. I came down as I was eating the grapes

Hans said what about me giving me a puppy eye

I said it doest fit you OK

he said now release my hand

I said no way that's so not gonna happen

he said so what you will feed me like your my wife

I said what no never so not

he said so how do you espect me to eat

I said I will feed you ofcourse

he said I thought you said you would not feed me

I said I will feed you but not has your wife

he said so has my maid

I said angryly of course not OK then you wount eat

he said OK fine

I got some grapes and I said to him ahh he said OK mommy

I said shut up

he said OK OK. when I put it in his mouth he looked into my eye my heart started pounding so fast I hurryed and looked away from his face that was so attractive.

after we finish and took a rest on the tree of grape then suddenly we heard a wolf sound I stand up. the wolf came out walking slowly toward us .

Hans screamed like a girl let me free Elsa .

i untie the rope in his hand. I wanted to laugh at him because of how sounded like a girl . but I couldn't cause I was scared I .

He pushed me up the tree the wolf were coming closer and faster at him.

I tried lifting him up he got up the tree but fell upside down in the tree the wolf tried to eat his head

I pulled him up .

he said thank you he was so scared.

Frozen 2 : elsa and hansWhere stories live. Discover now