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The next major time I saw Michelle was when Miss Bogart and her drama department were putting on a play she wrote herself. "Welcome, thespians," she said to the class. "Gather around. Everybody here? No? Who cares? Let's do this. We are going to put on an original play, written by yours truly, called 'Cosmania: An Intergalactic Love Story'. It's a space opera about star-crossed lovers, literally." 

Will was the only one who had a response of any kind to it. "Way cool," he whispered to Rita, who was sitting right next to him. I guess I could also see the appeal of the idea. It was the space adventure that us guys liked combined with a love story for the girls to appreciate. 

Miss Bogart spoke further about the play. "I'll be directing and assigning roles this year, because last year's auditions got very dramatic," she said. The memory of last year's auditions will forever haunt all of us when Julia took the stage for it. Miss Bogart shivered after she mentioned it. I guess she could remember that day, too. Julia probably liked the limelight a little too much. "So, William," Miss Bogart told him. "You will play our astronaut space hero." I guess that such a decision from the teacher made sense, considering how popular my best friend, Will, really is with the ladies. "And, Michelle, you will be the galactic princess from the planet Pegasus," Miss Bogart continued. 

I was glad for Michelle getting to play the princess. She is the best suited for the princess in my opinion. Wait a minute, that means that Michelle will be acting with Will for the play. What about me? I like girls more than Will does. 

Just as I was about to protest against it, an incredibly jealous Julia beat me to the punch. "Are we really going to waste such a talented designer by giving her that role?" the platinum blonde asked. "Such a pity. I say Michelle should be backstage designing the costumes." Although it was a direct set back on the casting, I could not really argue with Julia, especially since Michelle's treasured first kiss was safely preserved for me, once again. 

Michelle, however, seemed to be quite interested in claiming the part of the intergalactic princess. "Oh, but I actually would love to play the princess," she said in protest. "Thank you, Miss Bogart." Well, I guess that if Michelle wanted so badly to play the part of Will's princess love interest, I would not even dare get in her way. Will was my best friend, anyway, so I suppose it was not that bad that Michelle wanted so much for her first kiss to be with Will. I guess that it could have been worse. 

Only problem with Michelle's request now was that Miss Bogart was pondering what Julia had brought up, even knowing that it was probably just so that she, herself, could be the princess. "Alright, Michelle, you will be our costume designer," Miss Bogart responded to Michelle's plea after her consideration. I saw Michelle's face fall thereafter. "But now, we need a new princess for our daring space hero," Miss Bogart said. She pondered every girl in the class. "Rita, you can felt." Before, Miss Bogart could assign Rita the role, however, Julia had put a paper bag over her head. "O__K___ How about Tasha? You're a natur____" This time with Tasha, Julia had pushed her auditorium seat back over her head. 

The platinum blonde girl really needed to take a chill pill. It was just a role in a play. There was absolutely no need to go psychotic about the whole thing. Then, I remembered that Julia liked Will more than any other guy at PINY, which actually made her behavior understandable. 

Then, Miss Bogart pointed to "Dory?" she suggested. But Julia stopped Dory from being an option, too. This time, however, she only sat on Dory's chair in front of her. "OK, well, I guess you could be the princess, Julia." Miss Bogart finally gave into Julia's silent but very demanding actions. 

Julia then had the nerve to pretend that she did not see this decision coming. "Me? Really? It's such an honor you thought of me for this role, I'm so humbled," Julia said in falsified modesty. 

'PINY Moments' as Told by Samuel RyanWhere stories live. Discover now