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The next major time I encountered my bubblegum-pink-haired love💞, Michelle, was coincidentally when she had accidentally gotten locked🔒 in Miss Montclair's classroom since the doorknob was broken at the time. 

I was just casually walking by the fashion design classroom, minding my own business, when I noticed Michelle inside and opened the door. "Michelle?" I asked her upon opening the door🚪. 

She then looked in my direction, and she actually seemed pretty happy😀 to see me. "Sam!" she said. "Thank God you're here," she told me. She sounded pretty grateful to see me, too. "The door🚪 is..." I heard her begin to speak further, but I closed it before she got the chance to finish as I held onto my heart💓 because it was beating about a billion miles per second and my stomach due to the butterflies🦋 which were suddenly swarming about from within it as I acknowledged the fact that she finally seemed to need me more than anyone else. It was right then and there that she wore a shocked😨 expression on her face. "... locked🔒," she finally finished as soon as her shocked😨 face disappeared after a few seconds. 

I guess that that was the real reason Michelle was that happy😀 to see me at the time. She was probably hoping that I could help her make it out of Miss Montclair's classroom. I dared myself to look at the doorknob, and it instantly dawned on me that I had dashed away my dream girl's hopes of being rescued from a locked🔒 classroom as soon as I closed the door🚪... not to mention what was probably the first ever chance I had ever had to actually help out the love of my life. "Now, I'm locked🔒 in, too," was the only response I had within me to give her, though. 

It did not take Michelle long to respond, herself, with a more than frustrated groan which was almost fiery🔥 enough to rival even that of Julia's anger. After my pretty Michelle calmed down a little, she moaned. "I need to get out of here," she said thereafter. "I have an important runway in a few hours. Can't you call📲 someone?" she asked me. 

I couldn't believe that it turned out like this. "Sorry, it's📱 charging in my room," I told her. Don't get me wrong, I was more than happy to be trapped with my beloved Michelle. Since she was so unhappy☹ about it and even had an important runway to make it to, however, I couldn't risk being too happy😀 about it. There was also the fact that I only wanted to prove to my beloved Michelle that I could still be her hero🦸🏽‍♂️. 

She only groaned further at my response, though. "There has to another way to get out of here!" she said in her distress. 

Actually, there very much was another way to get out of Miss Montclair's classroom. "Wait a second, the subway," I told her about it. 

Michelle didn't seem to hear me, at first. "Why now? Time's running out and I'm gonna be late for the runway," she told me exasperatedly. She finally seemed to hear what I had said thereafter. "Wait! Did you say subways?" she asked me, finally acknowledging that I could still save her from the locked🔒-up classroom with the broken doorknob. 

"Yeah," I told her as I ran up to the back end of the classroom. "Every room at PINY is connected through underground tunnels." Then, I pointed inward towards what looked like a door at the classroom's back edge. 

Michelle followed me thereafter. "Seriously?" she said. "Are students supposed to know that?" she asked me. 

"I don't think so," I told Michelle, pondering it for a bit. "I discovered them when I found out that I sleepwalk." She looked at me in a weird way thereafter. 

Upon realizing what I had just told a girl... and my dream girl, at that... I blushed😳 up a storm of bright red. "Long story," was my only response thereafter as I began to show her the way through the underground tunnels. "Anyway," I began, getting back to what we were talking about before. "I'd better show you the entrance backstage," I finished, promising to stay near her until we made it out of this classroom and into the stadium. I was not going to let her down. Then, the two of us walked behind the wall. 

'PINY Moments' as Told by Samuel RyanWhere stories live. Discover now