Locked In

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The next major time I was able to meet with Michelle again came slightly later than I thought it would have. 

Tasha and Lilith were going away for the weekend to spend the whole weekend with their families, leaving Michelle all by herself for the weekend. I happened to notice it when I was with Will. I wanted to bring her comfort, I did. The only problem with the idea of it, however, was that I kept on turning around in my own nervousness😳. "It's OK, Sam," Will told me. "I know you get brain🧠less around Michelle, but don't worry about it. I can just invite her over to our little party for you," he assured me. 

I was angry about Will inviting Michelle over instead of me, though. I was angrier at myself about it than I was at Will, however, since I was the one who kept turning around and not having the courage to be of any comfort to Michelle in the first place. "Yeah, Will, you're such a great friend," I said with a smile in Will's direction. Self-loathing towards my own cowardice to do it, myself, lied beneath my smile😁 at Will, though. He was a good friend and all, but I just wanted a chance to be Michelle's hero🦸🏽‍♂️ for real this time. 

Unfortunately for Michelle, a guy on a dareway scooter zoomed past her and got my poor love💞 all muddy. Even more unfortunately for my beloved, Julia had more nerve than me and joined Will on his approach towards Michelle. It was around then that Will could not fight his own urge to snap a photo of Michelle covered in mud. "Hey, Michelle, what's up?" he asked her. 

My crush grew nervous😳 at the sight of my friend. "Uh, hi, Will," she greeted him back. "Um, what's up?" she asked him. 

It was right then and there that Julia decided to make fun of my bae, Michelle. "Wow, Michelle, I see you're in the mood for mud," Julia insulted her. 

That was right when Will came to Michelle's rescue from Julia's insults. "Are you coming to my party tonight?" he asked her. "We're gonna have video game battles," he told her. 

Michelle then wore an expression of slight elation after being invited by Will. Even though I was the one who really wanted her to come to the party, I was grateful to Will inviting Michelle in my stead, considering I was too much of a chicken to invite her, myself. "A party?" she asked him in her elation. "I'd love to___" I can probably never even tell her this for a long while, but I really wanted Michelle's answer to be a 'yes'. It even looked like it was about to be a 'yes' at the time. 

Then, Julia had the nerve to interrupt my love's answer. "I'm sure she has plenty of other things to do," she said, shoving my cute little bae aside. I guess Julia felt like Michelle was a threat to her time with Will. "Will, why don't we___" Julia began to ask Will. 

If I knew Michelle, however, I knew that she would not be willing to take Julia's interruption lying down; she was not submissive enough to do that sort of thing. It soon after became her turn to interrupt Julia. "I'll be there, for sure, but only if we're playing 'Lord Star Battle Royale VII'," she told Will. No way! I loved that video game even more than Will, himself, did. 

It looked like Will was going to be the one to talk to Michelle about it in my stead, though, too. "Bae, you're talking with the king of Westonia," he told her. He might have stolen the word 'bae' from me when talking about Michelle, but I was willing to let it slide if it would have guaranteed my crush coming to our video game party. 

Michelle continued to talk with Will about it. "Well, I can get twelve stars in two levels, my dear King of Westonia," she told him. 

"Seriously?" Will asked Michelle. "I need to see this," he told her. I could not agree with my friend, Will, more even if I tried. 

Then, Julia interrupted them once again. "Hey, Will, you know what?" she asked as soon as she shoved my bae, Michelle, aside and grabbed Will by the arm. "I'm the queen of fashion of... wherever you said," Julia told him. Then, I saw her give my lovely Michelle a dirty look, still looking like she felt threatened by my beloved bae. I do not know why Julia felt threatened by Michelle in Will's presence, if I was the one who liked the bubblegum pink-haired bae like that. 

'PINY Moments' as Told by Samuel RyanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ