Stupid Cupid

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The next major time I saw Michelle was during the time of PINY's Harbor Festival when she, Will, Julia, Tasha, and I were all getting ready to get on the platypus-themed rowboats. 

A few weeks earlier, I finally realized how I felt about Michelle and had made her a lovey-dovey mix CD to express my feelings towards her. I had left the mix CD with the heart💖 shape on the cover at her door🚪 when I gave it to her. I heard later that she did not even bother to listen to it, however, because of the cupid💘 love💞 fever🤒 that Lilith just so happened to be passing all around the whole entire campus at the time just to win a stupid bet which she had made with Tasha. 

Michelle at first thought that it was Lilith, herself, who had given her my mix CD full of love💞 songs just to help her along with her theory of love💞 being related to science. Lilith, however, had confessed to not having anything to do with such a gift. 

Tasha had a weird kind of food in her hands while she was getting ready to go onto the rowboats. Will looked a bit like he was just about ready to throw up by the time we were getting ready for the rowboats. "Boy, you look terrible. Do you need some food?" Tasha asked Will, holding out what looked a lot like ice cream🍨🍦 on top of a dead fish🐟. I could not blame Will for wanting to throw up prematurely at the sight of it. It truly did look kind of disgusting, and that was coming from me, of all people. "What's wrong?" Tasha asked Will. 

As much as I wanted to blame it on whatever Tasha was trying to do with the abomination in her hands which she dared to call 'food' alone, I already knew that there was actually an additional reason why Will was not feeling so well. "I think boats make 'im sick," I told the girls. 

Michelle seemed to be quite concerned about Will's health. "Why is he here, then?" she asked me, concerned for Will. 

To be honest, I would have been lying if I had said that I was not the least bit jealous of the way Michelle seemed to care about Will's seasickness. "I don't know," was all I could say before I responded a bit jealously with "A sense of adventure?" I guessed right before Julia came along and took Will aside to ride in the rowboats which made him so seasick. 

Tasha and I got into the next rowboat after Will and Julia. It was then that the rowboat staffer at the booth did not let Michelle go in with us. "Only two at a time," he said to her. 

Michelle still wanted to go with us, though. "Wait!" she called out to us. Of course, I would have been more than happy to let her join the both of us. 

The staffer at the booth, however, well... "I said only two," he told my poor Michelle. 

My pink-haired love💞 suddenly went from distressed to frustrated about not being able to join Tasha and me in our boat. "Hey, but I'm with them," she told the staffer. I probably would have been the first to admit that I, myself, was a little disappointed that my beloved Michelle would not be joining me on the same rowboat. 

Then, the staffer had the nerve to point my Michelle to a different rowboat. "That's one. There's a spot on that one," he told her. The other rowboat, however, held Walter, a nerdy guy who Michelle thought had given her the mix CD from me after Lilith had finally confessed to not having anything at all to do with my gift🎁 to her. 

Not long after coming back to shore, Tasha and I met up with Lilith, where they began to discuss their bet. "OK, Lils, time's over. Where's the evidence?" Tasha asked my beloved Michelle's other friend. 

Lilith grew nervous about answering Tasha's question. "Well, I__" she began, twiddling her fingers together. 

That was about when my love Michelle and Walter came toward all of us. "I could have never imagined we had so much in common," I heard Michelle's voice say. "Oh, Walty, we're gonna be so happy together!" Of course, I knew at the time that this was nothing but a prank, but even knowing that it was just a prank did nothing to ease the pain I felt in my heart💔 at the time. 

That was when Walter spoke upon his end of the prank. "I'm trying to get used to being a Casanova," he told us all. "Maybe, it's my new deodorant. It attracts every girl at PINY," he finished speaking. 

Michelle just giggled at it. "Isn't he adorable?" she asked. Oh, how I wished those words were being said from Michelle's lips about me, even if they were just for a prank. 

Tasha pretended to go along with it for the sake of helping them along with their prank, if only to get back at Lilith for the cupid love💘 fever🤒 with which she had plagued the school. "Really?" Tasha asked. 

"Yeah," Walter said. "I have to be with my true love❤, Michelle." He was laying it on a bit thick with that comment. 

Lilith just cheered as she seemed to buy into their prank. Tasha, however, told Michelle," But, you can't be with him, Michelle." Thank you, Tasha. "What about Will?" she asked her. At the mention of Will, I mentally rescinded my 'thank you' from Tasha. 

Then as if the two were rubbing salt onto my wounds, Michelle pretended to have already forgotten about even Will. "Will? Who's Will?" she asked Tasha. It only got me to feel worse from there. "Walty is my true love," Michelle said. I could practically feel my heart💔 break with that false confession from my beloved Michelle. 

Lilith, however, could only cheer further. "Who's cleaning now? Who's cleaning now?" she just continued to cheer. 

"You are!" Walter suddenly said, handing Lilith a feather duster, thereby revealing the prank he had just pulled on her with Michelle, Tasha, and I all in on it. 

"You took the bait!" Michelle confirmed the prank even further. 

Lilith suddenly grew confused. "What?" she said. That was when Michelle and Walter high fived one another and further confirmed to Lilith that they had been pranking her the whole time. 

It turned out that Walter actually had just as much of an alibi from sending Michelle my mix CD as Lilith actually had. His alibi, however, was that he was already seeing someone else; PINY's head cheerleader, Amy, to be exact. 

After high fiving Walter, Michelle and Tasha told Lilith one another's standards for organization of their closets. 

"Tash wants her shirts organized by color," Michelle told Lilith for Tasha. 

"And Meesh likes it organized by season," Tasha told Lilith regarding Michelle's closet standards. 

"You win, guys," Lilith told the two of them, conceding defeat. "I didn't find the secret of love💞." Then, she grunted in frustration. "I swear I will one day, though. So, now I have to send apology😔 letters✉ to everyone at school because of my cupid💘 love💞 fever🤒?" she asked all of us. 

Michelle could only smile at this. "Sending us presents to fall in love💞 with each other, who were you thinking?" she asked Lilith right before laughing up a storm at her giving everyone at PINY campus that cupid💘 love💞 fever🤒. 

While I could admit to finding it even a little funny, I was also a little bit hurt that Michelle did not make the time to even listen to my love song mix CD, especially considering I was holding a sequel to the same love song mix CD I had given her in my hand right at that very moment. I just chuckled it off, anyway, a bit nervously😳, though. 

'PINY Moments' as Told by Samuel Ryanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن