Secret Non-Admirer

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I can still remember the very first time I actually fell in love💞 with Michelle Fairchild. I knew it as the first time I actually graduated from crushing on Michelle to falling in love💞 with her, anyway. It was some time after a meeting between the team of staff for PINY's newspaper club which we all dubbed as 'The Herald'. 

It was just an average day after our work in the office for 'The Herald' staff, and I came back to the room when I spotted the door open. I took a look inside and saw none other than Michelle at the computer desk. It looked like she was editing a photo from the camera safe in 'The Herald' newspaper. It was a photo of Julia by the looks of it, and she appeared to be editing it to look unappealing to the eye... it looked unappealing to my eyes, anyway. What could she have even been thinking? Was she out of her mind🧠 or something? I suddenly heard her say something. "Nice!" she cheered for herself. 

It was just about then that I smiled at the edited photo and decided finally to let my Michelle know that I was currently watching her. "Michelle?" I asked her. I think I might have spooked😱👻 her a bit just by saying her name alone, because she screamed just thereafter. She then turned around to face me. "What are you doing?" I asked her further. 

Michelle just looked away from me nervously. "You know, paper📰 stuff," she told me, though I did not completely buy it depending on how she reacted to me noticing what she was doing. 

It looked like Michelle had clicked on the publish function on 'The Herald' newspaper's computer🖥 cloud☁ when I surprised her, considering that it had started to upload into every email📧 address in the student body. "Oh, my gosh! What's happening?" she asked. She looked very worried about it. 

"You're e-publishing the entire 'Herald', but we finished it earlier, remember?" I reminded her. 

"You don't understand," she told me. "I was editing a picture📷 of Julia to look hideous." 

Oh, I actually did understand what Michelle was getting at, since I had watched her do it, myself. What I did not understand about it was, "Why would you do that?" I asked her. 

Of course, Michelle's only response was "For Lilith." 

For Lilith? "She asked you to do this?" I dared myself to ask Michelle. 

Michelle surprisingly responded to my question❓ about Lilith with a 'no!'. That was just about the time that she grew really worried. "Why won't it delete?" she asked more to herself, I guess. "Oh no, I'm gonna lose my scholarship👩🏻‍🎓!" she exclaimed, holding her cheeks in her hands. It was just about then that she began hitting her fists against the desk, screaming out "No, no, no, no!" Then as if she could not have reacted worse to it, she hit her forehead against the keyboard⌨ and fell right down to the floor. 

I had actually unplugged the computer💻 from the socket which held the main plug🔌 for the machine. "Fixed it!" I told her, holding the computer cord in my right hand. 

Michelle smiled gratefully at me. "You're my hero!" she told me. I put my right arm, the arm in which I held the computer cord, behind my head in embarrassment and the very next thing I knew, she was hugging me like I was the hero, and she was the damsel. I could practically feel an entire swarm of butterflies flutter around in my stomach, my brain had begun to shut down on itself, and my heart rate was set straight into turbo drive. I could basically feel my eyes take on the shapes of hearts😻. I had to be going nutso. "Thank you," I could hear Michelle say, but her gratitude didn't seem to reach my brain🧠, though. Was I in some kind of trance😵 or something? She began to look at me like I just might have been in a trance🥴. "Um, Sam?" I could barely even hear her ask me. 

Later on, outside the building after a quick recovery of that trance😵 in which I was just after Michelle hugged me, I took the liberty to escort Michelle out of the 'PINY Herald'. I could hear her talking as we walked. "I thought it would be fun to play around with Julia's picture," she told me. "I wasn't going to publish it. Not even Julia deserves that." 

'PINY Moments' as Told by Samuel RyanWhere stories live. Discover now