Chapter 9

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This is going to be like the second/third to last chapter and probably extremely short. There will be two paths after this chapter. Enjoy.

After a few weeks, you had nearly gained complete control of your powers. Nanuk and Newt had bonded excellently and one or the other was always by your side.

You currently sat on the roof, staring up at the stars through Newt's eyes. The bobcat purred and rubbed his head against your arm. Nanuk was asleep with his head on your leg. The stars twinkled above you, most of them barely visible due to the city's light.

Your mind wandered to Clint and your relationship. Butterflies fluttered around your stomach.

A quiet whistling sound reached your ears and you quickly turned around, just as the building exploded around you.

I told you it was going to be a short chapter. Honestly, I didn't think it would be THIS short. Maybe I'll finish the book today. Who knows.

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