Chapter 1

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Anybody else curious why the HYDRA symbol is an octopus? I mean seriously, come on. Just make the legs head and the head a body and you got yourself a hydra. Also note that nobody has died in these books except Pietro. I'm sorry Quicksilver fans please don't kill me but he just didn't seem to fit. Endgame and Infinity War have never and will never happen in this. Ok Enjoy the chapter.

Normal boring days, normal boring weeks.. so on so on. You hadn't seen or heard from Clint since the battle in Sokovia. No texts, no calls, no voicemails, you were getting worried. Finally you arrived at the cafe you worked at. You put your apron on and put your hair in a ponytail/bun (whichever you prefer)

*itsy bitty time skip until the end of the day*

You grabbed your bag and left the cafe.

"Bye Y/N!" Jack, your coworker, called from behind you.

"Bye Jack!"

You were halfway to your apartment when something began to feel weird. You slipped your hand into your bag and gripped the pistol hidden inside one of the pockets.

You heard footsteps and turned to look down an alleyway.

"Hello?" You called.

Someone grabbed your arm and you remembered some of the training Clint had given you. You yanked them out of the shadows of the alley and punched them in the stomach then kicked them in a very painful place (y'all know where I'm talking about).

They stumbled backward and there's way a splitting pain on the side of your head. You collapsed onto the ground and the world went dark.

Nightingale.                  */\Clint Barton x Reader/\*Where stories live. Discover now