Chapter 4

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Ok so I just finished Agent Carter season 2 but ugh I just feel so anxious. I screamed my head off when I saw what happened. My ship sailed but... I'm not gonna spoil anything. Anyways, just needed to de-stress by writing this. Read on, beautiful readers.

After Clint introduced you to the Avengers, they got the jet up and running and took off. Steve was piloting the jet so Clint could sit by you. His hand grasped yours and you used his eyes to look at your surroundings. A few of the team members were glancing at you. Black Widow, Natasha, in particular, was looking at your intertwined hands and grinning from ear to ear.

Your heart pounded a mile a minute and your skin kept tingling on and off. You slowly closed yours eyes and leaned against Clint. He tensed up slightly before relaxing and putting his arm around yours shoulders. You smiled and fell asleep. Sadly, all good things have to end. You were jolted awake when she Quinjet landed.

"Sorry! I'm a bit rusty!" Steve called from the pilot's seat.

'That's obvious' you thought, slightly annoyed. When the jet stopped, a blast of cool air came into the jet as the back opened. Clint led you out of the jet and into the Avengers Tower, careful to steer you around anything you might trip over.

"F.r.i.d.a.y.? Do we have a guest room free for Y/N?" Clint asked.

"Yes sir. It is right next to Ms. Maximoff's."

"Thank you."

He led you down a hallway and you gently squeezed his hand and looked through his eyes at your surroundings. You reached a door and he opened it. It was a humongous room. He sat you down on a canopy bed and placed his hands on your shoulders.

"I know this is weird but we're gonna get through this and find out what's going on. Ok Y/N?"

"Ok" you say, bringing your right/left (whichever you prefer) hand up and setting it on his.

"I'll be back later to show you around the Tower. Maybe even go out and practice some archery?" You could feel his smile.


Then he left the room and closed the door. You flopped back onto the bed and sighed. This was going to be really weird.

*time skip cause I don't have time to write about random stuff and keep an eye on my sister and her male friend*

When Clint finally came to get you, you had gotten a shower, changed into something a little bit more comfortable(from what you could feel), and done your hair up in a ponytail/bun/braid (whichever you prefer).

He put his arm around your shoulders and you grabbed his hand, looking through his eyes to make sure he didn't try to run you into a wall or something. He guided you through the Tower, pointing out every little nook and cranny that you could hide in for any number of reasons.

Finally, you went outside and saw a large garden and a fairly sized archery range. Clint laughed at your expression. "Hey you ok?"

You nodded. "Y-yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

Clint shrugged and lead you over to the archery range. He handed you a quiver of arrows which you sling over your soldier, and he handed you a recurve longbow. You brushed your hand against his to see where the target was and turned that direction.

 You brushed your hand against his to see where the target was and turned that direction

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You grabbed an arrow and knocked it into the bow. Taking a deep breath, you drew the string back and aimed to where you thought the target was. When you fired, you heard it bury itself into the ground. You sucked in a breath through your teeth and waited for Clint's inevitable (Hehehehehehehehehehehe) question.

"Y/N, do you need some help? How did you even know where the target was?"

You sighed and turned towards Clint's voice. You grabbed his hand and looked through his eyes. "Clint. First of all, a little help would mean a lot seeing as I can't see."

He smacked his forehead with his free hand. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm an idiot. I forgot."

You smirked. "Idiot? Possibly. Second of all, I can look through other people's eyes if I'm touching them."

"Can-can you read their thoughts?!" Clint asked nervously.

"No idiot. I can't read their thoughts." The archer let out a small relieved sigh.

"Ok, ok. Can you see out of animals' eyes?"

"I'm looking through your eyes aren't I?"

"Haha very funny." Sarcasm laced his voice and you giggled.

"But yeah, I think so. As long as it's living and some kind of animal. That includes humans."

"Hmm..I'll see what I can get Tony to do. Wanna head inside and watch a movie?"

"Sure, why not. As long as I'm allowed to look through your eyes."

"No other way, is there?"


Clint chuckled and led you inside. When you got to the couch, he made popcorn and put in Y/F/M. (Your favorite movie) He plopped down next to your and you both laced your fingers together. Halfway through the movie you fell asleep and Clint carried you to your bed.

"Sleep tight Nightingale." He mumbled and pulled the covers up over you.

After he left your room, he jogged down to Tony's lab.

"Sup Legolas?" Tony said, not looking away from his project.

"I need you to do something for Y/N."

"And what is that something?" He finally looked up, his eyes full of curiosity.


Hehehehehehehehehehehe, cliffhanger! Love y'all. Have a good day/night!

-Agent M (Asset #060810)

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