Chapter 3

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Ok um hi again. School is starting up and I'll probably be writing less and less often so I'm really sorry. Also, I'm trying not to write a story that's been on my mind for forever because I don't know how it's gonna end so if I publish another story soon, I'm sorry for jumping around so much.

"Hey, hey Y/N are you ok?" Clint asked carefully. You blinked and started to nod but then shook your head. "Let's get out of here." He murmured, but you heard it as if he yelled it into your ears.

He pulled you gently off the cot and tried to pick you up bridal style but you made a growling sound that you had always loved to make as children and he put you down. He chuckled and you could almost picture his cheerful and sarcastic smile. Together, you exited the cell and he pulled you gently along the hallways.

You passed door after door, each one was being locked as you passed. The large battle was still going on up ahead. Suddenly you stopped. Something didn't feel right. A shadow in the back of your mind told you to listen and you shushed Clint as he began to speak. There was the faint sound of a gun safety being turned off.

"Duck!" You screamed and pulled Clint to the ground. Loud cursing was heard behind you and three pairs of footsteps thundered closer.

Clint shoved you behind him but, as if by instinct, you pulled him against a shadowy wall. Your skin tingled and you felt Clint shudder.

"Y/N what are you doing? Where are you?" He asked in a hushed tone as the footsteps got closer.

"I-I don't know what I'm just felt...right to do." You hissed back at him. "And I'm right next to you." You gripped his arm and suddenly you could see again. The hallway was shrouded in a dark mist but you couldn't see yourself. Clint's head turned as the three people got closer. 'HYDRA agents!' You thought and quickly brought your hand away from Clint's arm to listen to the agents' conversation.

"Dam it!" One yelled. "Where the hell did they go?"

"She has powers nitwit. Remember?" A second voice asked. "What are they again?"

"She can manipulate shadows you idiots. Enhanced senses too. That's why they blinded her, remember? So she's not a threat to us!" A third voice snarled.

Your heart skipped a beat and Clint gripped your arm so tight, your circulation almost cut off.

Slowly, the agents stormed off and you stepped away from the wall, your skin tingling again. You felt wind as Clint whipped around to face you. "We can talk about this more later. Let's get you to the Quinjet. Now!" He grabbed your arm firmly, careful not to hurt you, and pulled you to where you guessed the Quinjet was. Soon enough you heard a light buzzing, but it slowly got louder as you walked closer. Clint led you up a ramp and pushed you down on a seat.

"Stay." He commanded, then left.

*ity bitty time skip cause imma lazy bean*

It felt like it had been hours. People slowly trickled onto the jet, murmuring to each other about who you were and why you were here, thinking you couldn't hear them. Finally, you heard Clint's footsteps. Your heart leapt and your head shot up. He came over and took a seat next to you.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet Y/N. She was captured at this HYDRA base. Y/N, these are the Avengers."

You shrieked. "WHAT?!"

Nightingale.                  */\Clint Barton x Reader/\*Where stories live. Discover now