Chapter 6

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Happy New Year! Okay I have done nothing productive with this book because I've felt just so busy and I hope you guys can forgive me. Chapters might start getting shorter because I don't have this part of the book completely mapped out.


That was the feeling that had driven you in to the training room at midnight to attempt to use your new powers. As you can probably guess, it wasn't exactly going well...

You sat on the floor in a corner of the training room. Nanuk sat by your side loyally. You took a deep breath and released it slowly. Your mind seemed to melt into the shadows. You could feel everything inside of them. Off on the other side of the training room, a rack held a wide array of weapons, including knives, swords, axes, small guns, and a bow and quiver of arrows. A lone owl called out into the night and the bats' squeals echoed in your ears. Whispers sounded in your head, seemingly thousands of miles away.

'They will...dead...assure you..'

'The us...or cold..'

' will be...few...maybe months..'

' how..'

You screamed loudly as the shadows forced your mind away. You scrambled away and Nanuk was by your side in seconds. He pressed his head against your shoulder and tried to nudge you to your feet.

"I-I'm ok Nanuk. We should get out of here before someone finds us.." you quickly got to your feet. Nanuk pressed against your leg as you hurried to leave the training room. As soon as you stepped out, an angry shadow whisked past you and into the room. You barely caught sight of a glinting piece of metal before the person disappeared. Shaking your head you tiptoed towards the stairs. You silently wished Clint was awake. Knowing him he was probably snoring.

A loud crash from the lab made you jump. Of course Tony would be awake. You quickly made your way there.

Tony was testing out a new design for his suit. It was not going that well. As soon as you entered the lab, something came flying at you. Nanuk pushed you out of the way and barked.

"Oh, hey Y/N. I thought you would've been asleep already," Tony said, turning to you.

"No. I-I couldn't sleep. Is it okay if I hang out in here with you for a bit?"

"Of course. I know what that's like. Just barricade yourself in a corner and I'll try to avoid you. Don't let Clint yell at me."

You chuckle and Nanuk guides you over to a small corner on the far side of the room. There was already a pile of pillows and blankets there so you quickly sat down, your head against the wall. Nanuk laid down with his head on your leg and your hand on top of his head.

"Thanks for letting me stay here Tony."

He didn't hear you. He was back in his little inventive world. You gave a small smile and drifted asleep.

IM SO SORRY!!! I haven't updated in forever. This was a filler chapter because I've been working on another book that might be published on Wattpad soon. I hope this makes up for my laziness of late.

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