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"Koushi! Oh my god, you look awful..." The squealing woman approached the hospital bed. Eyebrows furrowed and her eyes watering. The tears seemed to be forming, but Suga was trying to figure out if they were genuine.

"Hi, mom..." His voice was hollow and cold, and he couldn't seem to be able to look at the woman.

"Oh god, why didn't you call me? I only found out about this because of Sawamura. I would have been here sooner if I'd had known." A remorseful tone filled her voice when she spoke and Suga wondered who exactly it was for.

'Oh Daichi.'

"Do you want something from me?" Suga snapped.

"Koushi...you're my son. I came to visit you." 

"Oh, I'm sorry." he said sarcastically. "I didn't know you still considered me your son after you disowned me." Suga grumbled.

" I never disowned you. I just thought you needed some time to get your head on straight."

"Wow mom, nice choice of words. Real sensitive, really shows how much you've changed." Suga found it stupid and ignorant for his mother to visit. The fact that she was here made his blood boil and his head fill with unwanted memories. Memories he had tried so hard to forget.

"I-" the woman sighed, as if dissapointed. "Look, I don't want to do this right now-"

"You think I do? Look you're the one who kicked me out. I'm sorry for not being completely ecstatic now that you're visiting me in the hospital." Suga's voice scraped against his throat as he spoke. Even if his voice was hoarse you could hear the pain in his tone. Regardless of how much his throat hurt he continued.

"You remember that day, but do you remember the things you said? There are so many thing that you said that I still remember an-" He was interrupted

"I- I'm sorry Koushi. I mean it..." The woman hung her head in shame, not daring to look at her son. The truth is, she was sorry. After her son left home. After she pushed him away. Her house started to feel empty. She and her son had been best friends, sharing their stories and experiences. There was a sort of searing silence when he was gone. Her husband was never home and his son was living his life. Withought her. Sometimes she would get up early in the morning and make herself a cup of coffee, the earthy warm sent would fill the house and there would be a cup for her and a cup, for her son. Reminising about the past, she would playback the memories of sharring thoughts over a cup of coffee.

"He used to love coffee, I wonder if he still does..." She would think.

"I shouldn't have said all those things. I realize that now. I- I was wrong, I'm sorry...can you forgive me somehow? It- it doesn't have to be now I understand...I, it was all so sudden when you told me, I had never given it any thought and I just didn't know how to react...I hope you know that you are my son, and I love you very much. I won't let anything change that."

Suga processed her words. Analizing and thinking over, sentence by sentence. He could tell she was being genuine, sincere...he sighed, he missed their bond too. That didn't mean that he was completely ready to fully forgive her.

"I...it was really hard at first. I was so lost, I had no idea how I was going to live. You guys didn't even tell me you were going to send me money, and even then you did that occasionally...mom. You know I'm the type of person that gives second chances, so Ill give you one. But, don't take it lightly, there are a lot of things now that have changed about me becasue of you-"

Suga choked a bit then coughed, a petal tumbled out. Soft and white. It had managed to stay perfect, how? It was beyond Suga.

His mother stared, the mix of emotions apparent on her face. Suga was a bit embarrassed...though he hid it well he brushed the petal away into his flower bucket he had started calling 'his bouqet.'

No one spoke for a moment. After her mother absorbed what she had seen. She took in a deep breath and spoke.

"I'm sorry this is happening to you Koushi..." She seemed to be at a loss for words. The words that she spoke sounded as if they were the only ones she could possibly think of.

"Yeah, me too." The air was so tense and rigid. The smallest movment felt awkward, it felt like glass on the verge of shattering. To break the tension, Suga's mother left the room saying she'd be back in a second.

Suga took the petal in his hand and rubbed its soft texture with the tips of his fingers gently. He smiled a bit. A much as he despised the plant it was still a reminder that he loved Daichi. He was prepared to die for it.

His mother came back into the room with two styrofoam cups. Wisps of smoke coming from their tops, the scent was familiar and nostalgic, it filled Suga's heart and soul with memories of better days.

"Ah...I wasn't sure if, you still like it or if you're even allowed to have it...But I brought coffee." his mom walked closer to the bed and placed it on the table next to the bed. The smell was waffting towards Suga and he couldn't help but at least hold it in his hands. The warmth going  from the cup spread from his fingertips to his toes.

"I missed this." Suga's hoarse voice filled the silence.

"Missed what?"


"Oh..." his mothers voice had the slight undertone of dissapointement.

"...And maybe talking to you, just a bit." Suga allowed himself a smile, which spread to his tired mother. Her smile shaping the lines around her mouth, her smile cautious, but present.

"Thank you, Koushi." She took a sip from her cup.

Suga kept his smile, their conversation only grew further and deeper, they shared stories anout their time apart and reminiced about times they were together. Despite everything, the two were able to regain some of that 'normal' they were used to.

They found their ordinary over some cups of coffee.

HOO HOO, I feel like I always start the authors notes saying I'm sorry. Also I'm sorry, it always takes me forever to finish these chapters and...yeaaaah. ANywho, I have an english presentation tomorrow and it is currently 2:03 in the morning. I am so very coooooooooool. Segway! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and continue to stick with it even with my incredibly bad update schedule. Also, I Did not have time to edit this so there are probably mistakes sorrrrryyy hOO Hoo.

see ya!


Petals of the Pained. // A DaiSuga fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now