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When Suga woke up, it was to puke. Again.

He quickly ran into the bathroom and retched into the toilet.

'Damn it I hate being sick. ' He thought bitterly. He continued to vomit...and felt someone rubbing circles on his back. Suga flinched at the touch, not expecting it. He would've turned  around to see who it was if he wasn't spilling out his guts...but that obviously was not the case.

The hand on his back disappeared, and Suga leaned back onto the wall behind him. He closed his eyes. Cutting off the light that filled his sight.

"Here..." a deep voice spoke, a voice Suga knew very well.

"...Da..Daichi..? W-what are you doing here..? How did you even get in here..?" He asked, his eyes opening to see built man Holding out a glass of water. Suga slowly drank it.

"Well I felt bad for not coming to check in on you yesterday, so I'm here now...and, the spare key wasn't that hard to find, Suga." Daichi explained to the silver haired boy.

Suga rolled his eyes "But, don't you have class...?" Suga asked. He was perplexed, he knew Daichi should be in class but he wasn't, he was there with him...Suga knew it would make him feel bad if Daichi was missing class just to be with him because of a minor cold.

"Yes...but I took today off to stay with you." Suga felt a jolt of warmth and happiness before it turned into dull guilt. So Daichi was missing class for him.

"This isn't anything serious, you should be in class learning right now, Daichi..."

"But I wanna help you.." Daichi pouted, making him look like a begging puppy. Which Suga found, adorable... 'Damn his big Brown eyes.' He thought irritated.


Daichi's pout turned into a smile.


The day was, cozy...Daichi would bring Suga soup while Suga was stuck underneath a pile of warm blankets.

It was like watching a married couple...

They stayed together, Daichi tending to all of Suga's needs, happily at that. At a particular moment where everything seemed calm and quiet Daichi broke the silence with a question.

"Have you heard of the Hanahaki disease?"

Suga inhaled sharply, a reaction to the unexpected question. He didn't think Daichi would be familiar with it...yet he was asking the question.

"Yeah...Actually I did a bit of research on it yesterday. Why?" Suga asked. He was curious as to why Daichi was bringing up the sickness.

"Well..." Daichi mumbled, hesitant to finish his sentence.

"Spill." Suga demanded, sounding a bit like a mother than intended.

"Well what if you have it...?" Daichi said looking at the other. Suga giggled.

"Daichi, don't say things like that." Suga giggled playfully, convinced Daichi was joking. He was smiling softly thinking this was all to be humorous.

"Suga...I'm serious." Daichi said, his face clearly expressing concern; naturaly Suga's smile faded.

"Daichi...that's ridiculous, if you've read about it, you know that it's extremely rare. Do you really think that I'd be unlucky enough to catch it?" He asked.

"I know it's a long shot...you just have a lot of the symptoms and I guess it...it just crossed my mind." Daichi said, and Suga sighed.

"Well you don't have to worry about that...besides...I'm not in love."

Those words, hurt Suga. He knew lying and he hated it. He hated himself for it, although it was a lie he had had kept for years...it stung to say aloud.

'You're such a coward...' Suga thought miserably.

"You have to be in love to catch it..? I didn't know that...I mean, I knew if you caught it flowers would grow in your lungs and stuff...but I didn't know why...haha. Seems kinda stupid how I never bothered to do more research." Daichi paused for a second before once again speaking,

"Come to think of it... how did you find out about hanahaki?"

Suga was about to answer, but was interrupted by his own coughing. A tad startled by the sudden coughing fit, Daichi hastily got off the bed and went into the kitchen. Coming back with a glass of water.

Suga's eyes started to tear up, his throat was burning and he felt like he was suffocating. He hated it. It was like he was slowly drowning, but instead he was choking on air.

He tried to subdue his coughing as he downed the glass of water, relieving the pain for a delicious moment before it went back to the painful burn. He let out a few more wheezes before his coughing stopped...

"Thank-...thank you." Suga choked out. His voice was hoarse, as if it hadn't been used in days. A result of coughing so much your throat is basically raw.

Daichi pulled Suga's frail body into an embrace. "Don't thank me, I'm here for you. I'm your best friend remember?" Suga hugged back and nodded. Friend.

"...Daichi...that was cheesy."



Petals of the Pained. // A DaiSuga fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now