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Not long after Daichi left, Suga started vomiting heavily.

'I am not going to school tomorrow.' He thought to himself as he laid in the cold hard bathroom floor. To exhausted to even bother with getting up. Suga tried to get up, but his stomach felt like it was going to explode, and that it did. He heaved into the toilet bowl ridding himself of whatever left he had in his stomach and flopped back onto the ground.

Suga, not wanting to vomit, again. Crawled back to his bed, but even that made him nauseous. He took his phone from the top of the bed.

To: Daichi

[Hey Daichi, sorry about kicking you out like that, I'm just feeling under the weather all of a sudden and I really needed to be alone. Plus, I'd feel bad if you caught this. Actually, I won't be going to class tomorrow so again I'm sorry. But I really do hope you have a great day tomorrow. No need to worry about me.]

Suga pressed the send button and threw his phone back onto the bed. The bright screen hurt his eyes so he decided to close them...but non stop vomiting is exhausting so naturally, he fell asleep.

• • •

Suga woke up dazed. His throat burned and his chest hurt. He groaned and looked around. Realizing he was no longer on the floor and noticing a note on the night table next to him.

Confused, Suga picked up the note and started reading it although it wasn't easy; due to his regressing headache the words on the paper were blurred but he managed.

Dear Suga,

If you are wondering how you are in bed instead of on the floor, it's because I put you there. After I got your text I got worried so I went to buy some stuff that I thought might help, there is some soup in the kitchen and some cough syrup in the pantry. Oh and some new tissue boxes. When I got there though, you were asleep on the floor so I put you in bed. I know you wanted to be alone and you didn't want me there, but you're my friend and I care about you, so take care of yourself I hope you feel better soon.


Suga smiled, the letter warmed his heart. but his sentimental moment was soon interrupted by Suga's coughing. It felt like glass was making its way down his throat. With every cough Suga's throat burned, it felt as if he was suffocating. He sat up and slowly and downed the entire glass of water Daichi had conveniently placed on the night table. Luckily it helped and The coughing reduced.

After that, Suga had a few more coughing fits that day, and every time he felt the same thing, suffocating. At first he thought it was weird but as the day progressed he just waved it off as normal for a sick person.

It was late and Suga hadn't gotten a visit or text from Daichi.

He's probably back at his house. Staying safe. Suga thought to himself. Suga had been scrolling on his laptop, for the latest news when something caught his eye...

'Scientists discover new extremely rare Disease.' Suga, now intrigued, clicked on the article, and he started reading. His eyes scanning his brain processing. It was hard for the boy to believe mostly because it sounded like something straight out of a novel.

'..A disease that affectes people with unrequited love. True love at that, it attacks the lungs by growing beautiful flowers inside them slowly suffocating the victim. It's a terrifying and scary disease...but it's poetic in the same sense..'

After reading the article, Suga did some digging. Searching, which took up all his time for sleep; he never went to sleep that night. Due to his pesky curiosity about this disease. Suga tried to get as much information as possible, coughing a bit here and there.

By the time he was finished reading almost all there is to read about the disease, his search history was just about the morbid topic. Questions and queries he found the answer to.

Exhausted, Suga looked at the time.

'4;38 am' it read.

The warmth from the blanket the rustling of the autumn leaves the low buz...all of it made Suga's eyelids heavier so he made the mistake of closing them, and soon, he belonged to the land of dreams.

He fell asleep.

Hello reader! Thank you for reading this chapter and I hoped you enjoyed it. I know it was a boring one and it took really long to update, I've just been having some writers block and school and stuff so yeeeaah... anyways hope you guys are good! If you are great! Of you aren't, have a cookie 🍪 :) anyways, see you in the flip side.


Petals of the Pained. // A DaiSuga fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now