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[7:03 p.m]

[HEY! There's gonna be a huge rager at my house Friday it's gonna be fucking great. R u coming?]

[we aren't in high school anymore, I don't think we should be partying.]

[When did u start being so fkn serious?]

[...When I became a college student.]

[Whatever buzz kill. Offer is still open, ur either going to be there or not. But I dont remember u being so boring. Live a little.]

Read, today 7;10 p.m


If Suga could sigh, he would've. He tossed his phone aside. It had already been a long day.

'Live a little.' That phrase played over and over in Suga's head like a broken record. He was convinced he wasn't going to go. That was the obvious smart choice...but that bothered him. He knew he was sick, he knew it was a stupid idea...yet he thought about actually going.

'...maybe I should go...no- no. You can't go. You're sick...with a serious..disease. If you're going to die...fuck it. Or no..." Silent arguing filled Suga's head, whether or not he would attend Terushima's stupid party or not...but after half and hour of making up pros and cons, He completely abandoned logic and made his decision.

[Fine, I'll be there.]

In a week, Suga would go to this party.

He knew it was a stupid decision but he didn't care. He figured if he didn't have much time left, he would make the most of what he did have.

A lurching feeling hit Suga like a tidal wave and he immediately recognized the feeling. He stumbled off his bed and scrambled to the washroom. Hunching over the toilet, he emptied his stomach. Suga hated coughing but he hated vomiting more.

I mean no one likes the feeling of regurgitating entire meals, With a mix of flowers and blood.

Suga was left with only the feeling of his throat absolutely burning as he leaned against the bathroom wall. This was his cycle. Cough, feel like shit, puke, then more coughing.

He was starting to get used to it, but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. It didn't mean that it wouldn't affect him.

And so his week went on, and his routine developed. In the morning he would hack the flowers out, at school he would endure the feeling of being on the brink of suffocating. After school vomiting, then restless nights with a lovely mix of vomiting and coughing.

Then Friday got there. The day that would stick out like a sore thumb in his tedious routine.


Standing in front of Terushima's front door was nerve racking. It was either he was nervous; or the music was so loud it made his blood cells vibrate. He hadn't gone to one of these parties since highschool where he was dragged into attending. That didn't end well.

Suga hesitantly rang the doorbell, waiting for it to swing open just a few seconds later. Immediately the music went from being muffled to being prominent.

"Suga! Glad you could make it~ I thought you would flake out." Terushima slurred. He reeked of Alcohol and stumbled out to lazily throw his arm around Suga's shoulder. "Come in! Come in! Loosen up my friend, because tonight is going to be a night you will never forget~"

Terushima was right. That was the night, Suga would never be able to forget.

Over time, Suga grew more and more uncomfortable. He had only a few drinks, but it was enough to distort the world. The music pounded ten times louder, the flashing lights blinding. Feeling uncomfortable turned into feeling fearful.

People would come over and sit next to him. They sat uncomfortably close. Most people would leave after Suga stayed quiet for too long. He was okay with that, so why was his strategy failing him now?

"Come on, doll! You're just sitting here looking pretty. Come, let me play with you!" He was clearly drunk. The man slurred his words and his breath reeked more of alcohol than Terushima's did. His eyes red, movements slow. When Suga said nothing...he became frustrated.

"Say something damnit! The fuck is wrong with you?! Are you deaf?!" He yelled, causing Suga to flinch. He looked at his hands.

"Please leave me alone." He told the man.

'Why did I come here...'

"You little..." a grip had been in placed. On Suga's wrist.

Panic exploded inside of Suga as the man pulled him up by his wrists. The grip was tight, and it was starting to hurt.

"Let go of me!" Suga yelled. He tried to pulled his hand away but that only caused the man to yank his wrist forward, leading him away from the crowd.

He then saw something. Something that hurt him more than the grip that was placed on his wrist. It was something that hurt his heart.

It was Daichi...kissing someone.

Suga was thrown into a violent bloody coughing fit. Flowers making their way through his throat. Blood escaped him with lily petals and the man's grip on Suga loosened. His mind flew into a pandemonium. Questions swirling, pain, Anger, rage, grief.

The tears that were falling from Suga's eyes made it hard to see, but he could still somewhat hear. People were shrieking. Which didn't help the situation.


Falling on his hands and knees, and hacked and coughed, he was suffocating. He coughed an entire lily. Stained and tainted with his own blood. Time seemed to slow, just so that Suga would be able to completely absorb the pain. As if the cursed disease was saying, "this is what you get."

As the flowers receded, the exhaustion and pain overwhelmed him. They took over his body and he collapsed, Suga was gently held. Before closing his heavy eyelids, he caught a glimpse of who was holding him.

'This is what I get for lying all these years...huh?'

'It probably is...'

'I wonder what will happen to me next.'  He thought. Being unconscious when the paramedics ushered him away.

Despite everything, he was happy. Regardless of the pain, the hurt the suffering. 'If this is truly the end' he thought. 'At least the last face I saw was Daichi's'

Heyo. Sorry it took me so long to update, been swamped with school. :p please don't kill me for taking so long to update. I'll try and hurry up with the next chapter.


Petals of the Pained. // A DaiSuga fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now