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Sugawara was in shock to say the least. The last person he expected to meet, was standing right in front of him; with that same sugar sweet smile.

"Surprise." Daichi said simply, leaving Suga shocked and confused. He blinked a few times before speaking.

"Wha...what do you mean 'surprise'? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be, well, not here?" Suga asked.

"After doing some thinking, I just decided to come to this school. After all It's not like the college I was going to go was elite or anything, and plus, I get to stay with you."

Suga heaved a sigh.

"...That was so cheesy." A small smiled playing upon Suga's lips.

"Hey! I was just trying to be sweet." Daichi complained. Suga giggled,

"Well, I've got to get to class, see you later Daichi." Suga said as he waved goodbye. As soon as he knew Daichi couldn't see him anymore, he put his hand over his heart and felt his heart pounding, he could hear the heart beat resonating through his body. Pounding thumps in his head.

Jeez Suga, pull yourself together. You had one conversation, stop acting like a crushing fourth grader. He chided himself for acting childish. He continued to walk to his class, sitting down when he arrived at his classroom.

Suga observed the classroom, unfortunately he didn't recognize anyone so he stayed quiet. Suga took out everything he needed and waited for the teacher.

The day dragged slowly, Suga taking notes, bored. He wanted to go home to the comfort of his bed, he wanted to sit in his bed reading a book with a warm cup of coffee. Instead, Suga was stuck in his last class of the day, the teacher droning on about homework and finally something caught Suga's attention.

"Dismissed." The silver haired boy packed his things and made his way out the school.

Suga noticed how much more tired he was than usual, and how he felt a bit lightheaded; but he brushed it off.

It's probably just a small cold. He told himself, he didn't think much of it.

He walked in peaceful silence to the bus until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Suga took his earphones out and turned around.

"Hey, wait a minute." Daichi had stopped Suga, his hand lightly placed on the silver haired boys shoulder.

"Oh, hi, what do you need?" Suga asked, with a sheepish smile.

"Well I don't need anything, I just want to talk to you."

"Well I have to catch the bus home. And I'm feeling a bit under the weather." Which was true. Suga had started feeling both cold and hot at the same time, his head was pounding and he was coughing a bit.

"Then let me come with you. I'm headed that way anyways."

Suga reluctantly agreed and they were on their way, they sat next to each other on the bus. And talked. About what they had done over the summer how they thought the team was doing...how cold it was. Everything felt like it was going back to normal.

Suga and Daichi eventually made it to the apartment. Suga took off his shoes and entered, Daichi doing the same.

Suga turned on the lights and started putting things away, on their way to the apartment the two had stopped at a grocery store to pick up some things.

Daichi started looking around the apartment opening doors entering rooms. It was a small apartment yes, but Daichi was curious to see Suga's residence.

"What are you a detective?" Suga asked sarcastically while chopping some carrots.

Daichi Chuckled. "No, just curious."


The two boys sat closely in Sugawara's room the tv was on to a movie. They had eaten supper, a warm curry Suga prepared and then relaxed. Daichi helped Sugawara with homework and studying, they enjoyed each other's company.

"You know, I've always found you pretty." Daichi blurted out.

"What, Daichi what the—" Suga's face flushed as he registered the complement. Daichi started laughing, the reaction he got wasn't what he expected but he found Suga's reaction funny.

"Daichi! You can't just say things like that out of nowhere..." Suga exclaimed, earning a 'sorry' from Daichi before he burst out into laughter again.

Daichi's howling laughter made Suga's head spin. He had had a headache since they had gotten home, but he had been ignoring it until that moment. His head pounded and he winced. Daichi's didn't seem to notice.

"Daichi, can you please stop..." Suga asked, his voice only slightly louder than a whisper. Luckily, Daichi heard and became quiet.

With concern, Daichi looked at Suga.

"Are you oka-"

"I think you should go." Suga interrupted.

"Suga I-"

"Daichi I'm sorry, I...I'm just not feeling well. I just need to be alone."

Daichi simply nodded and got up from the bed. He gathered his belongings said his goodbyes to Suga and went back home.

Then Suga was left alone in his small apartment.


Hi! Hope you're enjoying the story so far!


Petals of the Pained. // A DaiSuga fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now