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The air was tense, cold and rigid.

'I...saw you at the party you know...That girl you were with seemed nice.'

Rotten memories and bloody scenes.

"Wh- Oh...yeah...I'm, not really into her...She was very, She was forceful..."

' I don't think he knows I saw them...'

'Oh? In what way?' Suga wrote, even if he knew the answer.

"It was weird...she forced herself onto me, and then she tried to kiss me."

Suga's grip on his note pad tightened. His face showed no traces of the agony he was feeling, but he wasn't smiling either. He was forced to focus all his energy on keeping the growing vines and petals lodged in his throat and not falling out of his mouth.

His situation continued to worsen after his visit from his mother...his skin grew paler, his bones became more pronounced and the dark circles underneath his eyes just made him look more like a ghost. He stopped trying to speak after a few days. Every word he said would bring in waves of pain, so he decided to switch to pen and paper.

It was easier anyways.

'That sucks Daichi I'm sorry that happened.'  

But then he remembered his night, the creep trying to grab him, the smoking, the drugs, the alcohol...it all made him sick all over again. And due to his weak body he retched everything in his stomach into the designated bucket. Daichi was once again concerned but Suga felt too disgusting to realize.

"Are...you- I know you aren't okay...but are you like okay oka—"

'I'm okay.' Suga held the notepad up so the other could see but he himself couldn't look at Daichi's face. He could feel the worry and deep sadness without even looking at the others face. Eventually he sat back up in his bed.

Uncomfortable situation, change the topic.

"What were you doing at that party anyways?" Daichi asked.

Suga froze, he put the pen down. His eyes looked around as if the reason was going to appear somewhere in the room. At this point, he wasn't sure whether or not he went because he was sick or because he was crazy. Either way, they weren't very good reasons. He knew what he did was stupid but he'd done it anyways and he was ashamed of it.

'I don't know.' He stopped for a moment, trying to put his actions in a way that would seem less...reckless. 'I really—' The writing stopped. Interrupted by Daichi's hand on Suga's. His heart leaped, his eyes traced back to Daichi's face. Taking the sweet smile and the gentle eyes all in.

"You don't have to explain...'I don't know' is a good enough answer for me."

Of course Suga wanted to say something, his heart felt as if it was punching his rib cage...it hurt him, but the overwhelming warmth and happiness he was experiencing mixed and blurred with the pain. He wanted to say it, he wanted to yell it at the top of his lungs. The lungs that were being held hostage. He just wanted to burst out and cry it out to the world Consequences be dammed.

'I'm in love with you.'

' Thank you.' Is what he wrote instead. And of course he bathed in self loathing he had for himself.

"You don't have to thank me for anything, Suga. I mean, what are friends for?"

'Yeah what are friends for.' Almost immediately, Bloodied flowers spilled out of Suga's mouth. Vines along with them, he hacked and coughed, the tears welled up as they always did and he just went along with the pain, he grew used to it.  But that  didn't mean it still didn't hurt. The blood and petals was more than he'd experienced before the reason could've very well been because he'd been holding the flowers at bay.  Or it could've just been because he was overwhelmed. He held his throat with his hand and closed his eyes.

Daichi froze in place before he rose from his seat, terrified.

"Suga, I- I'm going to get someone...!" He clumsily stumbled backwards and the desperately bolted away, panicking and scared. Suga could hear Daichi's desperate cried sounding but they mixed with the ringing in his ears.

The exhaustion started to creep up behind his mind, his eyes started to see the world in a more distorted version of our reality and the pain just became a dull sensation in his chest.

The darkness started to zero in on his vision and the last things he saw were the nurses rushing in and Daichi's tear filled eyes, and with that, as he struggled to hold on to his consciousness he lost the fight and blacked out.

Daichi's couldn't help but feel terrible. He felt as if something had triggered the coughing fit...but his mind was in shambles, it was scattered so it was hard to put pieces together. When they moved Suga, he felt as if something was being taken away from him. A piece of him was being torn apart from him. He went back to sitting alone with his thoughts his messy scattered thoughts.

When Suga would wake up, it would be a hazy experience. His vision would refuse to focus, the sound of the heart monitor's slow beeps sounded ten times louder than they actually were and he would eventually fall back asleep.

Every time he woke up he would notice something new.

'I'm...in a new...room.'

• • •

"The lights...are so...bright..."

• • •

"I can hear...my, heart..."

• • •

"Am I...wearing an oxygen...mask...?"

• • •

"I hope Daichi's, Okay..."

Sometimes Suga would catch glimpses of nurses coming in and out. He found it comforting, he felt lonley in his room the occasional human presence was comforting after the vivid dreams he would stumble out of.

His dreams would morph into nightmares like shapeshifters. One second he would be enjoying a cup of coffee with his mother on their balcony, sharing idle chit chat. The second he looked away it was Daichi avoiding eye contact and tearing Suga's heart apart with words. The skies pale pink and orange and the summer trees swayed in the sunset.

The place was a dream, what he felt—the anguish, the agony he went through— that was the true nightmare.

A nightmare that he would do anything to escape from. A nightmare he'd suffocate to prevent.

Hey you guys. How are you doing? I hope you're good. I always end up writing these in the early hours of the morning huh.
Anyways, I was almost hit by a bike, (:

Do you guys have favorite colors?

(It is currently 2:26 a.m.)

Have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night.

-Kayuni, Trust no one.  ;)

Petals of the Pained. // A DaiSuga fanfiction//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora