Pico x Bf | Cherish the Fading Memories

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This one might get cringy, heh

Art made by frigid-arts! If you don't like this ship, then there's gonna be other non-Pico x Bf one-shots, so....

~~~Y e a h~~~

Warning: Swearing


Boyfriend is laying next to Girlfriend on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Girlfriend is hugging his waist; she is sound asleep after a long exciting day. Boyfriend caressed her hand and smiled a little.

Although he felt unlimited amounts of joy being with this possibly half-demon woman, her arms hanging around his waist reminded him of his relationship with Pico. No one but Boyfriend would believe he has some teddy bear instincts in his heart.

One memory of the once happy couple was when Boyfriend was looking in his music equipment box, which he stored under his desk. He jumped when he felt two strong, warm arms wrap around his torso from behind. Then he felt a chest graze against him. Boyfriend looked down to see those familiar dark green sleeves holding him close. He smiled.

"Can't cuddle right now, Pico," Boyfriend said.

"Say that to my Uzi," Pico replied, snickering. Boyfriend wasn't sure if he was fully joking or not, but he laughed anyways.

"Get off me and give me two seconds, a-hole." Pico sighed and let go of him.

"Fine. But I'm takin' your hat."

"Fair enough," Boyfriend answered. Pico swiped his hat away and put it on his own head. Afterwards he plopped his butt onto Boyfriend's bed. Boyfriend pulled out a long wire from the equipment box. "AHA, there's my microphone cable! Now I need one more thing . . . . " He keeps digging through the box.

"Oh by the way, it's already been two seconds," Pico remarked. Boyfriend eyerolled playfully and grinned.

"Thanks for the reminder, smartass." Pico chuckled and took Boyfriend's hat off, holding it and staring at the texture.

"You've been callin' me an ass lately. You must really love me, shortypants!"

"Yyyyup! Just wait for me to be done, gingergun." Pico put the hat to the side, crossed his arms, and patiently waited for Boyfriend to be finished.

5 minutes later Pico's blue-haired shorty completed his little recording studio. He put his hands on his hips, feeling proud of his setup. "There! Now . . . . " Boyfriend turned around and walked to his bed, picking up his hat and dropping it on the floor. He sat crisscross applesauce on his bed, Pico did the same. Boyfriend held both of his hands and squeezed them.

Pico blushed lightly while Boyfriend's lips made a goofy smile.

Boyfriend finished his sentence with, "we can cuddle!"

Pico smiled and gazed into Boyfriend's black eyes. He was so cute . . . how can a blueberry be so cute? Boyfriend shuffled onto the redhead's lap until his chest was almost touching his, and wrapped his arms around his waist. Pico held Boyfriend close and his left hand landed on Boyfriend's cheek.

Boyfriend beeped when he felt Pico's rough hand against his cheek. Rough, but caring.

Pico teased him by saying, "Bop bo beep, baby."

Slowly and gently, Pico's lips pressed against his. Boyfriend's eyes fluttered closed and he eagerly kissed him back. The hand on Boyfriend's cheek glided around his ear and into his fluffy hair.

Eventually they ran out of breath and separated.

"D-Damn," Pico heaved, "I just realized you're too cute for me." His left hand rests on Boyfriend's shoulder. Out of the blue, a few thoughts clouded his mind.

He survived a school shooting by gunning down a bunch of evil kids with a M-16 assault rifle. What if accidentally shoots the person he cares about the most...? Gosh, Pico would probably shoot himself right afterwards.

Boyfriend noticed Pico's sudden mood swing. He places a hand on Pico's chin and moves his squishy face to look at him. "Hey . . . what's on your mind?" Pico sighed deeply, feeling the hand being taken off his chin. He carefully slid Boyfriend off his lap, then laid down and allowed Boyfriend to curl up to his chest.

"Well . . . why didn't you go for a girl or a different boy?" he asked. "Even as my friend you knew I always kept a gun with me. I think that should've been enough to make you realize, 'Yeah, I don't wanna be with an insane 20-year-old who waves a gun around mindlessly.'" Boyfriend gasped quietly from Pico's assumption and squeezed him.

Boyfriend consoled him, "Don't say that, dude. It's not your fault that you feel like you have to hold a gun everywhere you go." He stared up at Pico with a blank stare. "Besides, I see more than just 'an insane 20-year-old who waves a gun around mindlessly.'" Pico sniffled and chuckled.

"Then what DO you see in an ass like me?"

"Knowing your epic skills in combat and weapons, I'd say you're a great person to have around if someone wants to kill me. And I see someone talented, caring in a way, and!" Boyfriend leaned towards Pico's ear and whispered, "Just a little bit of a cutie." Pico smooched his cheek.

"You liar, I'm not some Cabbage Patch Kids doll." Boyfriend laughed and snorted at his comment.

"No, of course you're not, that's not even what I meant! But don't act like you never stared at me with a dumb smile before we started dating." Pico blushed again and scoffed.

"Fine; I am guilty as charged."

Pico was staring at a portrait of him and Boyfriend for probably 10 minutes straight. It was dusty and the picture looked depressing, down, and dull.

'Congratulations, you have another reason to hate yourself.'

He wanted to shoot a bullet in the portrait, right between them. But how could he, after how much joy that Boyfriend bought him? His lip quivers as he grips the portrait tightly.

"I stabbed him in the arm," Pico whispered to himself. His whispering turned into aggressive shouting. "I stabbed him in the arm, DAMN IT!" He was quick to throw the portrait backwards, but a split second after, he heard a violent clink.

Pico turned around and growled at his now broken TV. The force his arm used to throw the portrait was so strong that it stuck out from the other side. "Great, I just got that one—two days ago! What is wrong with me?!"

He stomped to the television and pried the portrait out of it. He gazed at it with a glare while brushing the tiny glass shards off it. His eyes turned glossy and watery.

"Am I a sucky boyfriend or what?" Pico muttered.

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