Pico x Bf | Loss of Control

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A n g s t y request from -_king_of_spades_-! And if anyone's wondering there's one more Pico x Bf request after this.

Warnings: Slight schizophrenia (I hope that was okay to add in), blood, swearing


It was a cloudy late afternoon—occasionally the sun would shine through the cracks of the clouds. Kinda like the ascending part of Guns . . . ANYWAYS, it was a regular boring day. Boyfriend decided to try out skateboarding again after months of not doing it. Not surprisingly, he did fingerboarding more than skateboarding.

Boyfriend kept skating down the street at a moderate speed, passing between cars without the fear of getting hit by one. The breeze blew against his skin and it made him feel alive. It felt like the wind could just pick him up. He loved that feeling.

But another feeling—a feeling Boyfriend couldn't possibly ignore—rushed through him as he skated by Pico's apartment. Once Boyfriend realized he did that, he skated next to the sidewalk and slowed down with his foot against the concrete. Hopping off his skateboard and holding it in one arm, he walked down the sidewalk to the front of Pico's place.

Right before he was gonna knock on the door, it opened. Boyfriend freaked out and fell on his butt, dropping his board. He calmed down once he saw Pico looking down at him with a blank expression.

"Huh . . . . " Pico muttered, smirking afterwards. "Did I scare you, Midgy?"

"N-No!" Boyfriend blurted. He watched as Pico kept smirking at him, as if the smirk itself was mocking him. His cheeks turned a faint pink while he looked away. "Fine you did."

"Thanks for admitting it." Pico held out a hand to Boyfriend. He took it and pulled himself up.

"Yeah yeah." Boyfriend sighed and picked up his skateboard. "I just wanted to do this." He put a hand on Pico's shoulder and leaned forward, kissing his cheek. Pico was honestly caught off guard by it. It's been quite some time since they actually kissed in some way.

Boyfriend shuffled away just a little. "Sorry, I just miss doing that." He frowned. "In fact, you haven't talked to me for several weeks, boop . . . . "

Pico felt his own mood become solemn. He never meant to avoid the shorty for that long, but he needed some time with himself and his mind. His cold, traumatized mind. It was capable of a lot of things. More than Pico would ever know.

God, he absolutely hated it.

"I uh . . . . " Pico sighed and closed his apartment door, his playful side going into hiding. "I know. I wanted to be alone. Sorry for not lettin' you know, Bub."

Boyfriend nodded and furrowed his eyebrows. "No it's okay. Let's just walk together."

Pico bit his lip, already wanting to go back inside his apartment but not wanting to leave Boyfriend. "Y-Yeah." He faked a smile and gently held Boyfriend's hand. Boyfriend chuckled and squeezed his hand. They started walking down the sidewalk in awkward silence, holding hands.

The two made some random conversation, which lasted until the early evening. By then they were sitting on a bench that faced a wide pond. Pico gazed up at the sky, which kind of looked like a lavender color. Boyfriend gazed with him, slightly leaning on his shoulder.

A pit of worry lingered in Boyfriend's small stomach ever since he passed by Pico's apartment in the afternoon. He knew Pico said he wanted to be alone, but even then . . . it wasn't like him to not let Boyfriend know first. They're supposed to be looking out for each other, so Boyfriend wants the ginger to open up.

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