Corruption AU | Immunity

819 15 26

Warnings: Blood, injuries, s w e a r i n g

I might make more different scenarios with the Corruption AU!


Boyfriend's POV:

I ran

I ran as fast as my tiny legs could carry me, and tried my hardest to ignore the burning pain all over my left leg. The wind stung my eyes, which were full of tears. I tried to forget the horrendous sight I saw back there. It should have been me, not Girlfriend! Maybe I can save her somehow . . . .

Finally, I made it to Pico's apartment! I knocked hard on his door repeatedly, not stopping.

'C'mon c'mon . . . .'

"B-Beep? Boh pee bee bop?!" (Translation: P-Pico? Are you there?!) I asked with a crack in my voice. A few seconds later he opened the door and aimed his gun at me, but lowered it once he realized it was me. He raised an eyebrow. He would look more concerned if he noticed me crying.

"Boyfriend, what the hell is wrong with you?" Pico asked. "I thought I was hallucinating again, I thought you were Cassandra before I opened the door—"


He put his gun in his back pocket. "Calm down so you can speak English again!" Ya know it really angered me whenever I spoke my language and Pico didn't understand. Welp that's my fault since I never decided to teach him. Maybe tomorrow I will.

"PEH—AGH!" I screamed as I clutched my left leg, feeling a pain that stabbed at my whole leg. The salty tears went down my cheeks.

That was when Pico noticed dripping blood forming a puddle around my shoe. "Holy shit!" He glanced into his house at the couch, then he looked at me again. "Hang on, I'll be right back!" Pico dashed into his house and to his bathroom, almost tripping as he did that. I started to feel dizzy, so I leaned against the side of the doorway with my hurt leg slightly lifted.

I saw Pico go to his couch with a white towel. He sloppily laid the towel over it. He ran back to me and lifted me up, putting my upper body against the arm rest. He took off my shoes and threw them aside. I felt my pants being pulled off (don't take that out of context), but the material scraping against my cuts made me gasp.

"Not so fast, not so fast!" Pico slowly removed my pants and cringed a little at my lacerated left leg. There were cuts all over it, mainly at my calf. It brought back flashes of images from when I got attacked by Girlfriend. Her whole body was black, but she had pink highlights around her body and her creepy face was outlined in pink too. Claws, she had claws!

Innocent, sweet Girlfriend: had a passion to hurt me. It hurt even more to see her like that.

I sobbed quietly and covered my face with both hands, the thoughts were too much. I uncovered my face once I felt Pico's hand on my shoulder.

"We can talk about it after you're patched up." He spoke with a little bit of a gentle tone. "Sit tight, I'm getting my health kit." I nodded with a whimper and watched Pico run to his room. I wiped my tears gently. A few seconds later he came back with the kit and pulled up a table next to the couch, sitting on it.

I winced a ton and shouted while Pico patted the ointment on my cuts. I tried my best not to complain about the stinging; there were bigger issues to worry about.

"Some of these cuts are deep, man," Pico remarked. "I'll have to use stitches." I chuckled to lighten up the mood.

"Hey, at least I'll look cool."

Pico chuckled slightly and took out a needle and some thread. "This might be painful, so look away and try to think about something else."

I nodded and looked at a picture hanging next to the front door: it was me, Pico, and Girlfriend. Before she turned into that thing. I recalled the last thing my girlfriend said to me before everything went to shit.

"Where's my wedding ring at, babe? Ha, I'm just kidding. I can wait."

Tears threatened to well up again, but I smiled to get rid of them. Lemme just focus on the positive stuff for now. Once this whole event is over, I'll take Girlfriend out on a chill dinner date. Ya know as an apology for not being able to rescue her! I won't tell her about the injury she gave me, she'll find out eventually. And cry . . . a lot.

Dang it, I'm going back to the negative stuff.

Okay positive again! I'll beat whoever hurt my girlfriend down to a fresh pulp once I find them! Or maybe I can take Pico's gun and shoot them till he's dead! That'll teach them for messing with my girlfriend. Then Skid and Pump will spooky dance on their dead—

"Alright, I finished. I'm surprised you only whimpered," Pico commented.

"Finished already?" I puzzled. I looked down at my leg and saw about 4 stitches on it. I kinda wanted to vomit, but then I smirked. "Nice bro! Girlfriend's gonna want to marry me . . . now . . . . " I trailed off and the tears came back slowly. Pico furrowed his brow and squeezed my hand.

"Now you have to tell me what happened. I'm not letting you suffer in silence."

* * *

Pico sighed solemnly. "Oh man, I'm sorry. But don't worry, with my help, we'll get your creepy Girlfriend back. And the other people who got infected by the corruption."

"Huh? How do you know what it is?" I asked him.

"It used to be a myth. From what you told me, seems like the myth is true." Pico ran a hand through his hair. "But . . . how is your leg not black and pink?" I raised my eyebrows as I mentally questioned the same thing. When Girlfriend got scratched by that cloaked person, she turned into one of those monsters. I got cut a whole bunch of times by her claws and nothing happened!

I stared at my leg. "I'm not really sure. Well I did notice her trying to scratch my other leg, but she grabbed her arm and pulled it back . . . maybe she's still in there somewhere."

"But that doesn't fully answer my question: how were you not infected? There's no way you can be immune, I swear on my life!" Pico emphasized. I put my hands up and shrugged.

"I dunno!" I answered again. He sighed and picked up the pants on the table, throwing them in my face.

"Put your pants on, I'm not doing it myself." I slowly did what he said. He got off the table and stood next to me. "Can ya stand?" I placed one foot on the floor, then the other. Pico let me grab his arm for support as I slowly stood up.

"Y-Yeah, I think so." I let go of his arm and nodded. He nodded back.

"Good." Pico took his gun out of his pocket, spinning it rapidly in one hand and grinning. Yeah, he likes to show off and warm up like that. "Now let's go save the world." That was a little dramatic, don't cha think?

"You're not gonna shoot her are you?" I asked as we walked out of the apartment.

"What? Noooo . . . . "

To be continued...the next one will be realllly long, sorry about that ;~;

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