Ruv But Boyfriend Has to Suffer

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I'm probably teasing Ruv simps with this one-shot but that's okay right-

This one's short, but I wanna include Ruv in more shenanigans!


What a bad day to be Boyfriend.

A bad, bad day.

Can't a man go shoppin' for some drip?

That Ruv guy was giving him a menacing glare from across the glistening street. It gave Boyfriend the chills! What could that Oreo POSSIBLY want from him?! 

Boyfriend hesitantly put one foot onto the street, and then the other. He slowly walked across the empty street towards Ruv. Once he faced him, he swallowed and twiddled his thumbs.

"We meet again, intruder," Ruv spoke with that husky Russian accent. At least it wasn't that deep, so Boyfriend could understand. But then again, he didn't want to talk with this guy.

"Be-Beep skabep da—"

Ruv stomped his foot: "Quit the act, coward! I know for a fact that you can speak the English. You were speaking it with your Girlfriend earlier." 'DANG this guy's good,' Boyfriend thought. Well, maybe if he actually talked to Ruv he would get out of his hair!

"Fine, I can talk like English. Why are you stalking me?"

"You disrespected the church, simpleton. Now I disrespect you and your privacy, human version of Sonic The Hedgehog." Boyfriend let out an autotuned gasp. Okay now this dude is going too far.

"But the church looked like a bathroom! It wasn't my fault!" Boyfriend blurted. Ruv narrowed his eyes at him and scoffed. 

"What kind of an excuse is that?"

"L-Listen, can you just leave me alone? You scared my girlfriend, and now you're starting to scare me." Boyfriend backed away, but Ruv just got closer. 

Then, the hot Russian Oreo got an idea. Maybe he should just follow the Boyfriend for the entire day, as payback for entering the sacred church while not joining. He'll really know how it feels to have his business invaded without asking first.

"No. I want to know what you were about to do." 

Boyfriend raised an eyebrow. "I was just gonna go to the store. Why did you need to know that?" Ruv shrugged.

"Just because. Now bring me with you or I'll brutally destroy you and your little girlfriend."

"BEP, OKAY OKAY! I doubt you like drip, though." There was an awkward pause before Ruv crouched down to Boyfriend for some reason. Nearly everyone Boyfriend knew crouched down to him at least once. It kind of offended him, but he could tolerate it. Now with RUV? Nah, this was just flat out embarrassing.

"The hell is drip?" Ruv asked with a firm tone.

"Heh, it's like cool clothing or stuff that makes you look hot. Heck I don't even think you need drip, you're already wearing it! Makes me wonder why you don't have a girlfriend yet . . . . " Boyfriend put his hand to his chin while thinking.

"Uh . . . kay."

Five hours of Ruv being a fake homie later....

"ARE YOU DONE FOLLOWING ME?!" Boyfriend snapped.

Ruv looked down at his watch shaped like a cross (Sarvente wanted him to have it for good luck): it was 6 pm. "Yeah, I have to go back anyways. Sarv's probably sending me thousands of messages."

Boyfriend sighed loudly and slouched. Now that he was outside his and his girlfriend's house, he could eat pizza while taking a dump without feeling a pair of eyes loom over him.

"Thank god...! I thought you would never leave!"

Ruv had wanted to stay with Boyfriend throughout the night to scare him more, but Sarvente was breathing and existing. Not that that was a bad thing, he didn't want her to die. Ruv just felt like if he stayed out for too long, Sarvente would think he went back to his old ways.

He didn't say goodbye to Boyfriend or anything; he just walked away. Boyfriend found that weird, but he didn't let it bother him. He went into his house.

"Girlfriend, remind me to bring pepper spray when I go out next time."

Oh um...did you like the video?


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