No More Funny Business

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Tricky is love, Tricky is life.

Maybe I won't screw up writing him-

Oh yeah art is by someone on Reddit, I might replace it with my own art though.


Boyfriend's POV:

I really don't know how I won against that lunatic yesterday. He kind of freaked me out to be honest. Girlfriend was Girlfriend, she just bobbed her head like crazy.

And how the heck did we end up in Nevada?!

Anyways, while she, Pico, and I ate instant ramen noodles at a picnic table (with backrests!), the screaming clown was poking at my mind. Guess I can't eat my ramen in peace. I wanted to know more about him, like why he's green and shakes as if he's seizure-singing.

"Man," I started after I swallowed some slippery noodles. "You won't believe what happened yesterday, Pico."

"Did ya finally realize you're a 19-year-old dwarf?" Pico joked.

Maybe he has a chainsaw in his apartment somewhere.

My eyelids lowered to give off an irritated look. "Hey! You're the one to talk, you're 20 years old and you're like, 5 inches taller than me!"

He smirked and leaned back with his ramen. "Hm, touché."

"ANYWAYS, me and Girlfriend met this green clown yesterday." I watched as Pico's eyes widened and he started choking on his own spit. I just ignored him since he's Pico, he can handle anything! "I meant to tell you that day, but I fell asleep the moment I collapsed on my bed. Slept until the next morning."

Girlfriend gave him a questioning look. "Are you okay?" Pico got his coughs under control.

"Y-Yeah," he heaved. "So you both actually met Tricky?!"

"Mhm," I said. "His name practically stands for his songs! How do you know him...?" Pico took out his phone and started typing something.

"He's from a series on Newgrounds: Madness Combat." He showed me the search results for "madness combat tricky."

I read the first bit of information on a website for Tricky. "'Tricky the Clown is the secondary antagonist of the Madness Combat Series.'"

Pico puts his phone back in his front pocket. "You guys should watch it if you don't get queasy lookin' at blood. Obviously Tricky's green 'cause he died and was revived by the Higher Powers, turning him into a zombie."

"Oh man, he's a zombie clown?! That sounds cool! But who's the Higher Powers?"

"I would get my Newgrounds shades on and tell you everything," Pico said, "but that would be longer than the series itself."

"Aww!" Then, Pico and I were startled by loud slurping. We turned to Girlfriend, who was slurping a long noodle. Once she was finished, she licked her lips and blushed.

"Sorry, I didn't think my slurping was that loud." Her eyes met mine. "Next time, we should probably get a better map."

I chuckled. "Or a better sense of directions!"

"Let's hope you guys don't meet Tricky again," Pico said with some worry tracing his voice. "You're extremely lucky he wanted to kill Boyfriend by singing. Next time he might actually try to murder him." Girlfriend suddenly laughed, placing her ramen on the table. I swear I saw tiny fangs in her mouth, but they disappeared after she closed her mouth.

"As if he can do that while I'm around," she noted. Pico raised an eyebrow and put his bowl down. Then he said something that was a little offensive.

"Alright hold on—I thought you just showed off your thighs while boring your eyes into everyone's souls. You actually do stuff?" 

What made me beep was when Girlfriend jolted forward, yanked Pico forward by the front of his sweater, and scowled at him. Pico reached for his gun while making the same look.

"Listen up Boku no Pico," Girlfriend said. "I am a half-demon woman, not just some Barbie girl. I deserve respect, and if I don't get that respect, I can easily snap your neck. UNDERSTOOD?" Pico growled and nodded. What a spooky woman. Remind me to not let her snap his neck, though.

"But I can easily do worse if you call me by that cursed anime again," Pico retorted.

"I doubt it." Girlfriend let go of Pico, making him fall back in his seat. He crossed his arms, while I just sat there with a nervous expression.

"Can we just eat...?" I asked quietly. Girlfriend sighed and rolled some noodle strings around her fork.

"Sure Boyfriend. Sorry about that."

"It's okay."

SoMeWhErE iN nEvAdA

Narrator's POV:

Tricky was cooled down a day after failing to kill Boyfriend. Right at this moment, upbeat music was blasting from his iPod during his stroll. His stroll to the place where he was brutally defeated.

Girlfriend had to leave her huge speakers there due to Boyfriend scooping her up and running away after winning. Maybe Tricky could put them to good use.

"But . . . clown kills . . . you . . . . " Tricky muttered, even though he could barely hear himself over the music. He started twitching and shaking, rolling his hulk hands into fists. His hidden eyes darted back and forth; maybe he could find something to track down that kid. Luckily, he spotted a map near the speakers. He turned off his music from his iPod and dropped it.

Trying not to rip it with his rough hands, Tricky picked up the map and analyzed it. There were three red circles: one is on where Boyfriend and Girlfriend live, another is on the place they were supposed to arrive at, and the last is on the area they arrived at, Nevada. And they're all labeled—perfect!

"What a pair of mindless clowns," Tricky mocked with what was supposed to be a smirk. "His singing skills will make me even more powerful than before! That and the Improbability Drive combined will do WONDERS for me!" He stuffed the map in his poofy clown hair while he cackled.

After taking down Boyfriend, everyone will know his name! Everyone will fear him not just as a clown, but as a psycho killer!

"But first . . . I'm in need of a hotdog."

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