Chapter 28: Another win for spider-kid, another fail for (Y/n)

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///At the laundromat///
*I was sitting in the hard chair that's by the machines,I was practically alone in the corner of laundry machines reading poetry books.*

(Y/n): *Whispers* A tall and slender maiden, all alone upon a prairie,brightest green were all her garments, and her hair was lik e the sunshine, day by day he gazed upon her...

*The machine then buzzed off, my laundry is done, I put the book aside and opened the machines door and took out my costume first, I had to make sure no one was looking at me when I put it in my laundry bag. As I get the rest of my clothes, there all stained with the red and blue fade dye stains.*

(Y/n): *in his mind sarcastically* Ain't that great...

////at the (L/n)'s residence////
*I was stripped out of my usual outfit of a t shirt and baggy pants and hurried to freshen up for my theatre date, i pushed open the door to my closet and stood there studying the contents, trying to decide what to wear,of course there were really only two choices, one was my spider-kid suit and the other was my one and only dress suit,I'm not really big on dress suits so I just have two in my person, but I'll admit,my usual blue dress suit has seen better days, a few minutes go by and I was adjusting my tie, i gave myself one last look in the mirror and then looked at the black-and-white proof strip of head shots MJ had given him a back at the carnival after his graduation ceremony,she was playing the "see no evil/hear no evil/speak no evil"look with the camera and It never failed to make me smile, I grabbed the tickets to the show and walked out the door.*

///at the theater backstage///

Aunt may: Wait! You forgot your coat!

*I grabbed my jacket and continue my way to the door*

///the backstage of the theater///
Mary janePOV
*I was putting the final touches of my makeup and I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda shaking a little bit.*

Louise: You seem a bit jittery tonight.

Mary jane: You never know who's coming.

*My or the guy i called "just a friend" had been here enough times that she shouldn't be nervous about that,maybe somebody really important is coming, I hope...*

////At a local flower shop////
*I picked up a bouquet of flowers of carnations and hand the owner for three dollars, I was about to leave until he halted me and took the bouquet and gave me three of the carnations, oh well,maybe it would be the thought that counted,maybe she'd be so happy to see me that it might not matter what he brought with him, I hope she likes poetry, I strapped the flowers into the back of my bike and just hope for the best.*

////The backstage of the theater////
Mary janePOV
*I just finished applying my makeup and the stage manager told us it's time to perform.*

Stage manager: 5 minutes ladies, 5 minutes.

*I looked myself over in the mirror once more,then gathered myself. Hopefully (Y/n) liked Oscar Wilde at least as much as he liked looking at her, he'd at least show up to look at her hopefully, with that we went to the stage.*

////Back at you////
*You were riding your bike to theater while memorizing the words from the poem, your spider senses goes off and when I turned my head to my right, you saw a car driving towards you,not having a enough time swerve, you did a huge backflip from his bike and landed on the street in a perfect asana.*

Kid2: How'd you do that?

(Y/n): Uh, workout, plenty of rest, you know? Eat your green vegetables.

Kid1: That's what my mom is always saying, I just never actually believed her.

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