Chapter 24

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When the morning arrives, I leave Sirius to sleep, and set off in search of James. I have to talk to him about what's happened. I won't delve into details because I know Sirius wouldn't want that, and it isn't my story to tell, but I need someone I can talk to about this.

He sits at the kitchen table, eating a bowl of cereal. I didn't even realize wizards ate cereal. I wonder if there's a wizard equivalent to frosted flakes? Probably not. They're probably too sophisticated for sugary cereals. I sit down next to him at the table quietly. Their house elf appears to ask what I want for breakfast, and I just request whatever cereal James is eating.

"So," he begins, "how is he? He won't tell me anything. Just says he's fine."

"It's bad," I sigh, "I won't go into details, but he's been through some pretty brutal shit with his parents, and I feel awful because none of this would've happened if I hadn't written something for that stupid article."

He shakes his head, "It wasn't your fault. He'd been on his way out of there since school got out."

"He got in trouble for defending me, James—"

"Do you have any idea how excited he was for that piece to be published? He wouldn't shut up about it in his letters. He knew exactly what he was doing when he encouraged you to write that. So please don't blame yourself, because it's not your fault that his parents are shit."

"So what do we do then?"

"Give him time. We have all summer to figure this out."

"Okay," I purse my lips nervously, "do you think your parents will be alright with me staying another night?"

"Oh, they won't care, you could stay for the rest of the summer and they'd be happy to have you," he smiles slightly, "They really like you."

"They seem pretty nice. Where are they, by the way?"

"Out, Mum wanted to take us all into town, but you and Sirius were still asleep, and considering he's barely slept since he got here, we all decided it best to let you two be."

"How come you didn't go?"

He smirks, "I couldn't let you and Pads have free run of the house, could I?"

I roll my eyes, "Like we'd do anything. He was still out for the count when I left."

"You know I'll never trust you two alone together."

I take a sip of my orange juice, "We have manners, James. We aren't savages."

"Don't forget that I know what you're capable of," he grins cheekily.

"And I'm sure you'll never let me live it down."

"You'd be correct."

I shake my head, "Honestly, I don't think Sirius will be up for any of that stuff for a while."

"He's that messed up?" He bites the inside of his cheek with concern.

"Only time will tell," I wring my hands, "I might just have my parents send clothes and stay for the rest of the week. I don't feel right leaving him right now."

"You shouldn't feel obligated to stay, we can handle him too."

I blush slightly, "You know how it is, Prongs."

"And how is it?" he asks humorously.

"I care about him, maybe a little too much."

"You can never care too much," he gets up from the table and puts his dishes in the sink, "and Mum probably won't want you sleeping in his room again, but I'll work on her."

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