Chapter 30

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The boys have decided that we're going to celebrate my birthday and Sirius' on Halloween since they're so close together, and Halloween is exactly in the middle of them. As an added bonus, we were given the Monday after Halloween off, which to the boys means they can have a total blowout. Sirius is pretty excited about it.

I still have to find a present for him. Why does it have to get harder to give someone a good present the closer you get to them? I just feel like nothing I get him will be good enough, even though I know he'll appreciate anything I get him. He's just such a damn good gift giver. He said he'd be giving me my present a bit late this year because he had to wait for his Alphard money to come through. I told him to wait until Christmas to get me something extravagant, and just buy something more reasonable for my birthday, but naturally he refused.

Since the pressure is on, I've involved my parents in the search for the perfect present for Sirius.

Do you think he'd like a motorcycle? I have a buddy that sells flying ones.

He most definitely does not need a motorcycle right now, much less a flying one. He'd crash it immediately. Maybe next year. We could start him off with a leather jacket I guess. He really wants one.

I feel so stupid getting him a jacket of all things, but it's the only thing I could think of.

"I don't think a jacket is stupid," Lily smiles, "He's going to love it."

I shake my head, "Yeah, but it won't even come close to what he's getting me."

"He's probably just getting you some super expensive piece of jewelry," she suggests, "It seems to be the only gift boys like that know how to give."

I fiddle with the diamond hanging from my neck, "Well, I do love super expensive jewelry."

"I know you do, and it makes life pretty easy for Sirius."

I shrug, "I have to take it easy on him every now and then, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not exactly a low maintenance girlfriend."

"I wouldn't say he's a low maintenance boyfriend either."

"We suit each other pretty well in that respect."

"I guess you do."

"So," I bite my lip, "when are you going to get yourself a boyfriend Lil?"

She just rolls her eyes, "I'm in no rush to have one."

"Why not? It's fun to mess around with guys."

"There just isn't anyone I'm particularly interested in at the moment. Plus, you and Sirius are setting the bar pretty high these days. I still think Black's just as much an arrogant idiot as Potter, but I have to give it to him for being a damn good boyfriend."

She's totally in love with James, she just isn't ready to admit it. "If you think my arrogant idiot for a boyfriend sets the bar so high, then why don't you just give James a chance?"

"Because I can't let him think that he's won just yet."

"So what you're saying is that eventually you'll give him a chance."

"I don't know..." she blushes, "maybe once we're done with school and he's grown up a bit more," then her expression becomes stern and she narrows her eyes at me, "but you can't tell him I said any of that."

"My lips are sealed," I smirk, "I'd much rather leave Prongs in agony, not knowing how you really feel about him."

"I don't feel anything about him, I was just saying—"

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