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*double update, read previous chapter*

June 2nd, 2020


To say Harlow was nervous was an understatement.

Because c'mon, the fate of whether she would meet her crush or not all was riding on her in this very moment.

It's a huge deal.

She'd never met him like that before.

Like yeah, she'd watch some vlogs, but she'd never actually been there.

Should she change?

She was wearing her pajamas that she'd put on after school. Would a pair of jeans and a t-shirt be better?

She quickly got up from her bed and frantically changed into a pair of shorts and a hoodie, since it was pretty cold in her room, along with a pair of argyle socks.

What? Why not make a good impression.

Deciding it was stupid and awkward, she took them off and threw the blue socks across the room, just figuring she should log onto Skype.

Two seconds later, she was calling Gavin.


She was beautiful.

Her voice was beautiful.

He'd never actually heard her talk before.

And he loved every second of being there right then.


He almost didn't speak after she said hello. His dad had to give him a small push on the back so he could introduce them.

"H-Hi." Gavin said, a small blush on his cheeks. He watched as Harlow giggled, which only made his cheeks grow even redder.

"Hi." Harlow said back.

"This is my dad, and that's my mom." Gavin gestured towards his parents who were sitting behind him. "I mean, you probably already know who they are but -- okay, yeah. You get what I mean."

Harlow laughed at that, and Gavin wasn't sure how to take it.

He was awkward.

"Hello Shay. Hi Colette." Harlow greeted, and Gavin wanted to scream, but awe over her voice. It sounded so fragile, so pure. "I'm Harlow."

"Hello." His parents chorused, and Gavin wished they'd go away so he could talk to Harlow.


"So you're sixteen, correct?" His father asked.

Harlow nodded.

"You live in Denver?"

Another nod.

"And you met my son over a prank text?"

Harlow blushed. "About that..."

"Dad, don't make her go through this." Gavin face-palmed.

"What?" Shay held his hands in surrender. "Just clarifying."

"Yeah, I did." Harlow admitted, then proceeding to tell the story of that party she was at, a story that Gavin had heard before.

It was Colette's turn to talk.

And embarrass her son.

"So you realize that little Gavin here has a crush on you, right?" She gushed, ruffling her son's hair. Gavin groaned, burying his face in his hands.

Harlow just laughed. "Yeah, I do."

Colette looked stunned. "You do?"

"Let's just say that he's not the best at keeping things to himself." Harlow giggled, watching how Gavin kept his focus on the floor.

"And you like him?" Shay cut in.

Harlow blushed, again. "Yeah, I do." She said softly, making Gavin shoot his head up.

He knew she liked him, but it was different when he actually heard her say it.

Like, it was out now, and there was no denying it.

The night went on, and they wasted hours talking about anything and everything.

In other words, Gavin's parents spilled secrets about him.

But the night was alright, and it seemed like his parents liked Harlow, which was something he was grateful for.

But they finally said goodbye which it hit midnight, after Gavin promising he'd Skype her again tomorrow.


"You picked a good one, Gav." Was the last thing Shay told his son before he left him alone for the night.

And all Gavin could do was smile.

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