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June 12th, 2020

"Are you ready?" Gavin clasped Harlow's hand as they neared the front door of the Butler residance. To say Harlow was ready would be an understatement. She'd been preparing for this moment for the past two months.

"Yeah," Harlow breathed out, nodding slightly.

Shay laughed at the two and opened the door. "Harlow, welcome to mayhem."

Almost immediately, there were four kids charging towards her, as if she was a brand new cotton cany machine (like the one Emmi had gotten a year previously -- Harlow watched some more vlogs on the train).

"Harlow, you're here!" Brock shouted, grasping onto her middle and squeezing her tightly. Harlow giggled and pat the top of the ten year old's head.

"Hey, Brock," She smiled. "Hi, girls."

"You're actually real," Avia said in astonishment, tapping Harlow's shoulder for good measure. "You're not some creep my brother met on the internet..."

"You idiot," Emmi scoffed, rolling her eyes at her older sister. "I'm very excited that you've made an appearence, Harlow."

Harlow said that she was thankful Emmi was so excited, but turned to Gavin and whispered, "What's up with her?" while the kids fought over where Harlow would sleep over her stay.

Gavin shrugged and leaned towards Harlow, "I don't know, she thinks that's how teenagers talk. She's preparing for her birthday."

Harlow nodded, and Gavin led her into the kitchen. Colette offered to take her bags downstairs to the guest room, even if she'd probably end up rooming with one of the girls.

"What do you want to do?" Gavin asked, turning off the kids show that was running.

Harlow didn't have a chance to answer before Daxton, who had been following his brother and Harlow around like a hawk since she got there, did for her. "Let's watch the Lego Movie!"

"How about no?" Gavin said, making Dax pout. "Do you wanna go show Harlow the mountains?"

"Yeah!" Dax cheered . "Do you want to?" He asked Harlow, who only shrugged. Honestly, she'd do anything. She was still in shock over being here.

In Idaho.

With Gavin.

Best trip ever.

"Alright, let's go." Gavin grabbed Harlow's hand when he stood up. "Dad, we're going to the mountains! Dax is coming!"

"Don't get lost!" Is all Shay shouted when they walked out the door.


It was beautiful.

She was beautiful.

If he was being completely honest, he wasn't paying attention to the winderness, or his little brother. He was too focused on her beauty. How she crinkled her eyes when she giggled, or how her lips would turn upwards whenever she smiled and laughed.

She was perfect.

So he did what he'd wanted to do for a long time.

He kissed her. She kissed him.

Right there in the middle of the Rocky Mountains. He sort of forgot about Daxton standing a few feet away, because they both jumped when the six year old made gagging noises.

"Keep it PG! There's a little kid here!"

Harlow laughed, "How do you even know what PG means?"

"I'm six, not a little baby," Daxton deadpanned, raising his hands in the air. "Now, can we go home? I want something to eat."

Gavin gave Harlow once last glane -- a really damn sweet one -- before nodding and grabbing her hand. "Yeah, we'll go home."


"Do you think your parents like me?" Harlow asked, her head laying on Gavin's lap. After they kisses, they weren't really scared to show any affection. They knew where each other stood. The hadn't put any labels on it, they weren't worried about it.

That was another thing. They understood each other. It was so bizzare, but it fetlt like they'd been friends for years, not two months. 

Shay and Colette had brought the girls to cheer, and the little boys had tagged along. They said they'd let Harlow and Gavin stay home as long as they were mature about it.

"What are you talking about? They love you!" Gavin laughed, playing with her hair.

"Okay," Harlow hummed.

And then he kissed her again.


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