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*double update, read previous chapter first*

June 10th, 2020

Harlow: hi skype me so i can wish brock a happy birthday

Gavin: ...ok

Harlow: sorry he's just really adorable

Gavin: alright then..

"Brock, wanna Skype Harlow?" Gavin called out for his little brother. He was growing up too fast, he turned ten today!

"Yeah!" Brock cheered, zooming down the hall past a confused Daxton and to his big brother's room. "I wanna show her the Nerf gun that Dad got me!"

Over the past week, the whole Butler household had grown quite fond of Harlow. The girls sat for hours just talking to Harlow about their favorite make-up brands the other day.

You could say Gavin was a little jealous.

"Alright, come here," Gavin pat the seat next to him before pressing the video call button on his laptop screen. He'd Skyped Harlow plenty of times in the past eight days, but he'd never get used to actually seeing her. And after tomorrow, he'd see her for real.

He couldn't wait.

"Harlow!" Brock cheered when she appeared on the screen. "I'm ten! I'm finally in the double digits!"

"I know," Harlow laughed. "Happy birthday, bud."

"Thank you!" Brock smiled, holding up his Nerf gun. "Look what my dad gave me!"

"Woah," Harlow smiled. "Are you gonna attack Gavin with that for me?"

"Hey!" Gavin exclaimed. "Right here, you know."

Brock ignored his brother, his eyes widening. He nodded rapidly, "Yeah!"

"Brock, why don't you go play with Dax. I'm sure he needs a buddy," Gavin suggested.

Brock's face scrunched up. "Ew, no! He's six, I'm ten. Big kids don't play with little kids."

"It's not like he has cooties, Brock. He's your baby brother," Gavin bursted out laughing. He'd always play with Brock when they were younger, why couldn't Brock play with Dax anymore? Brock shrugged, dismissing the topic.

"Later, guys!" Brock ran out of the room, Avia shrieking as he almost ran into her on the way.

"So, Friday...," Gavin said, happy to finally be alone.

"Friday," Harlow confirmed. "I'm really excited! I've already started packing."

The plan was for Harlow to take a train up to Boise, and Gavin and his Dad would go pick her up from there.

"When you get here, I wanna show you around town a little bit, how does that sound?"

Harlow smiled at the thought. "Yeah, sounds great!"

"And maybe we'll stop for some food, then go to the park..." Gavin rambled on, hoping she'd get the point.

"Alright, Gav. If this is you asking me out, you suck at it." Harlow's eyes were bright with humor, making Gavin blush and look down.

"Sorry, never done this before."

"It's alright." Harlow shrugged. "I'll see you Friday, Butler."

Gavin nodded, "See you Friday."


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