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July 1st, 2020

2:04 am


The guilt was eating him alive.

Gavin couldn't sleep, his mind to busy thinking about what he quite possibly ruined.

He didn't mean to. He didn't mean to kiss Fallyn, really. He's lonely without Harlow, and it happened. She was there, she was hot, and he was lonely.

His body shook as a lone tear rolled down his cheek.

He ruined it.

That's not even the worst part, though.

Because not even two hours before he kissed Fallyn, he promised Harlow he'd never cheat on her.

What a dick move, Gavin.

He didn't notice he was crying until Shay came in, asking what was wrong.

"You okay? It's almost three in the morning..." Shay asked, slowly opening the door. "Dude, why are you crying?"

"I fucked up." Shay didn't bother scolding his son on swearing, considering the state he was in.

Shay sighed, sitting next to Gavin on the bed. "What did you do?"

"I kissed Fallyn," Gavin whispered.

"From church?"

"Yeah," Gavin nodded, wiping under his eyes. "I kissed her and ruined the one good thing going in my life."

"Did you tell Harlow?" Shay asked next.

Gavin bitterly laughed. "No, I don't think I'd be able to."

Shay pat his son's knee. "She deserves to know, Gav."

"I know, stop reminding me!"

Two seconds later, he was crying into his dad's shoulder.

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