~Chapter 2~

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Tanjiro POV

"Jeez, it's late already." I said as I was making my way back up the mountain to get back home. "I'm glad they're sold out, though." I said. "Hey, Tanjiro!" I heard someone call out. I stop and turn to see Granddad Saburo with his window open "Are you gonna go back to the mountain? You'd better not. It's too dangerous." He said. "I've got a great sense of smell so I'll be fine." I said to him. "I'll put up with you for the night. Come on. Get back here." He said. "But..." I started. "Don't argue! Come on! Before the demons show up." He said. I went back down and walked into his house and he made a meal for me.

"Thanks for the meal." I said putting my chopsticks down and drinking some of the tea he made. "Hey, Granddad Saburo, what are demons like?" I asked him. "Man-eating demons have always prowled the land once it gets dark." He said getting a extra futon he had and laid it out on the ground for me. "That's why you should never stroll around at night. If you're done eating, go to bed. You can set off for home at first light." He said. I laid down in the futon and stared at the ceiling "These demons wouldn't come inside your house, would they?" I asked. "Yes, they'd come in." Saburo said. "Then, everyone would get eaten up by the demons." I said. "That's why the demon hunters protect us by slaying them since way back when. Lights out now. Go to sleep." He said and turned the lights off and I went to sleep.

In the morning

"You'd be careful now." Granddad Saburo said. "Okay." I said and left his house and continued up the mountain to get back home. As I got closer to home I could smell something. I stopped and sniffed the air and my eyes widened "The smell of blood!" I shouted and ran towards home. When I get there I stop in front of my house panting as I saw Nezuko and Rokuta lying in a pool of blood in the snow. I shouted and dropped the basket that was on my back and ran towards them. "Nezuko!? What happened? What's going on?" I questioned. "What happened here?" I question and then I look inside the house. I stand in the doorway and saw in horror. "Mom... Hanako...Takeo...Shigeru...Nezuko...Rokuta. Sakura!?" I shouted at the end not seeing her in the house.

I run outside and look around and I stopped seeing her lying in the snow farther from the house. "Sakura!" I shouted and ran towards her. She was lying face first in a pool of blood that was slowly soaking into the snow and she had her flute in her hand. I grabbed her flute and put it in my pocket, so it wouldn't get lost. 'Her and Nezuko are still warm.' I thought. I quickly put Sakura on and shoulder and I run over and grab Nezuko and put her over my other shoulder an I run as fast as I could down to mountain to get help. So many questions were running through my head and I had tears in my eyes.

'I can't breathe! The air is so icy! My lungs hurt! Keep moving forward! Move your legs faster!' I said in my head as I was moving as fast as I could. 'We still have a long way to go before we reach town. Hurry!' I kept saying. 'I won't let you two die! I'm going to save you two no matter what!' I shouted in my head. 'I swear your brother is going to save you two no matter what!' I said in my head. Then I hear Nezuko start making these weird noises and she starts to move around making me fall off the cliff. I scream and hit the ground 'I was saved by the snow. I slipped because of the snow to begin with.' I said in my head. I quickly sit up "Nezuko? Sakura?" I questioned. I see Sakura lying on the ground not far from where I landed and I see Nezuko a few feet from me just standing there.

"Nezuko, are you all right?" I asked. "You don't have to walk!" I shouted to her. "I'll carry you and Sakura to town, okay?" I insisted getting closer to her. "Nezuko!" I shouted when I got close to her. Then she lifted her head and she tried to bite me, but I held my arms up to keep her back. She goes to bite my face, but I quickly get my hatchet out and put it in her mouth. She pushed me onto the ground and get growling. 'Sh-She's a demon!' I said in my head. I just remembered what old man Saburo told me. Then I heard another growl and I looked over and saw Sakura was standing up, and she ran over towards me and Nezuko.

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