~Chapter 9~

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Sakura POV

I was walking with Tanjiro for his next job and I saw this little bird and I helped it while Tanjiro walked on ahead. Once I helped the bird I caught up with Tanjiro and I saw he was talking with this yellow haired boy. "Tanjiro! See! I told you it wouldn't take long!" I called out to him. "Huh? Oh, Neesan, did you take care of that bird?" Tanjiro asked. "Yep! He's perfectly fine now." I said and then I yelped as that yellow haired boy held onto my legs. "You're the most beautiful, amazing, hottest girl I have ever seen, will you marry me?!" He questioned. "Hey! Zenitsu! Hands off!" Tanjiro yelled pulling the boy off of me. "Tanjiro, why didn't you tell me that you knew such a beautiful girl?!" Zenitsu questioned. "1. Don't put your hands anywhere on her! 2. She's my big sister, I've known her since I've been born! And 3! She's married!" Tanjiro yelled and I giggled a bit. "M-M-Married?!" Zenitsu questioned looking at me. I nodded "Hai! I do have a husband and two kids." I said and Zenitsu fell back on the ground. 

"Huh?" I questioned poking him. Then we had to go to the next job and I just dragged Zenitsu by his jacket. Once Zenitsu finally woke up I let him walk on his own and we got to a mansion. "Tanjiro, I can smell blood." I said. "But this is a whole new smell." Tanjiro said and then I saw these kids near the forest. They both looked completely terrified. "Hello, what are you two doing all the way out here?" I asked carefully walking in front of them. 'I was right they're both terrified.' I thought as both of them were shaking and had tears in their eyes. "You two wanna see something cool?" I asked and I whistled a bit and this little Shima Enaga bird flew towards me."This is Pip, short for Pipsqueak isn't she cute?" I asked and the little girl's eyes lit up a bit. Then they both fell on their knees "Tell me. Did something happen? Is this your house?" I asked them. They both shook their head "No. No it's not. This is....this house....i-it belongs to a monster. Our big brother got taken away. We were walking down the road at night and this thing appeared in front of us. It went straight for our brother never giving us a glance." The boy said. "Did it take him into that house?" I asked and the boy nodded. "So you two followed them here? That's really brave. Great job." I said. 

"We used the traces of his blood to follow them. That thing really hurt him." The boy said. "Don't worry it'll be alright. My brother and Zenitsu will defeat the bad buy and rescue your brother." I said. "Really? You really will?" The girl asked. "Yes. I promise." Tanjiro said. "Hey, Tanjiro Sakura~san... What is that sound? It's really unnerving. It never stops.  It sounds like a drum." Zenitsu said and then we could hear a drum coming from inside the house. The beat kept getting faster and faster until a person came flying out of the house covered in blood.  My eyes widened and I quickly used my jacket to cover the kids view as the body hit the ground. "Don't look. Don't look." I said calmly to them. Tanjiro ran up to the guy, but he ended up dying in Tanjiro's arms. "Hey is this your brother?" Tanjiro asked. "No. Our brother wears an orange kimono." The boy said. "Tanjiro, I won't be able to help you on this mission. If I go back out into the sun I'll start to get sick. I need to sleep in the shade." I said and Tanjiro nodded. Tanjiro put the box down that had Nezuko inside in front of the kids. "If you need too, in case of an emergency. You open this box or wake up Sakura." Tanjiro said and the kids nodded. Then Zenitsu and Tanjiro went inside the house. I laid on the ground in the shade and I ended up falling asleep.

Time skip

I woke up smelling a scent I didn't know and I opened my eyes. "Huh?" I questioned sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Neesan!" I heard Tanjiro shout and I looked up and this guy with a boar hide on his head. I shrieked and before he could swing his swords at me a girl appeared in front of my and straight up head butted the guy away from me. She had on a jacket like mine, but it was white and faded down into icy blue. "Keep your filthy hands off!" She yelled. "Wait a minute... Michiko?!" I questioned. "Mama!" Michiko shouted dropping her sword and hugging me. "Mama?!" Tanjiro and Zenitsu questioned and I smiled and hugged her back. "What are you doing here, Michiko?" I asked her. "My crow told me to come here because my mission was here, but it seems like they already handled it." Michiko said. Then the boy Michiko head butted fell on the ground unconscious. "Ah! He's dead!" Zenitsu exclaimed. "He's not dead, he has a concussion." Michiko said. 

"Who are you? And you called Sakura Mama?" Tanjiro asked. "Right. I'm Michiko Kamado-Giyu. Ice Pillar." Michiko said. "K-Kamado-Giyu?" Tanjiro questioned. "Hai~ This is my daughter Michiko." I said standing up. "D-D-Daughter?!" Zenitsu questioned. "Adopted daughter actually." Michiko said. "Michiko, this is my little brother Tanjiro." I said pointing to him. "Whoa!~ So you're Uncle Tanjiro!~ Wow! You're even cooler than I imagined!~" Michiko said looking around Tanjiro. "Heh, you're a cutie. How old are you, Michiko?" Tanjiro asked her. "I'm 12." She said. "You're 12 and a hashira?! How are you already so much a higher rank than me?!" Tanjiro questioned. "That's because Michiko here has been training ever since I found her. She was only 4 when I found here." I said. "So young!" Tanjiro exclaimed. "Hai! I'm the youngest, but one of the strongest Hashiras just like my mama." Michiko said and I rubbed her head. Then we buried the people who died in the mansion and we prayed for them and then that boy woke up. His boar hide fell off when Michiko head butted him and I swear he has the face of a girl, but the body of a man. 

While we were praying the boy kept running and hitting his head onto one of the trees. "What is that person doing?" Michiko and Teruko questioned. "Just don't look or it'll rubbed off on you." I said turning their heads back around. Then we heard Tanjiro's crow cawing at us. "Descend the mountain! Descend the mountain! Alright, follow me! Follow yours truly!" The crow shouted and we started to head off. "Hey! Where are you going?!" The boy questioned. "We're descending the mountain." Tanjiro said. "We're not done with our battle yet! And you girl let's fight right now!" He yelled. "You're tired, aren't you? Come on, we're heading down." Tanjiro said. "What?!I'm not tired!" The boy yelled. I sighed and we made it down the mountain. "Zenitsu leave the poor boy alone!" I shouted as he was holding onto Shoichi "I said off!" I shouted and hit the pressure point on his neck making him pass out. "You guys keep this on you." I said handing them small pouches that had wisteria plants in them. "It's wisteria, it'll keep the demons away." I said and they nodded. We left and I carried Zenitsu under my arm. "Neesan, is it really necessary to hold Zenitsu like that?" Tanjiro asked. 

"Yes it is. I don't trust him being around my chest area." I said. "Ah~ Well then." Tanjiro said and Michiko was on my back and I was holding her with my free arm. "Fight me!" Inosuke yelled once again. "I swear I'm gonna find a weak point and bring you down, loser!" He yelled pointing at Tanjiro. "My name's not 'loser'! It's Tanjiro Kamado!" Tanjiro yelled. "Gonpachiro Kamaboko! I'm going to bring you down!" Inosuke yelled. "Who the hell are you talking about?!" Tanjiro questioned. "That would be you!" Inosuke yelled. "No, it's someone else!" Tanjiro yelled and then Zenitsu woke up. "Can you talk any louder?!" He questioned and I just sighed and shook my head. I put Zenitsu down and I continued to carry Michiko. It was getting late and we made it to a house that had a wisteria plant symbol on it. "Come on we can rest here." I said opening the door. "N-Neesan, we can't just walk in there!" Tanjiro exclaimed. "It's fine, Tanjiro. I've come here a ton of times before I came home. I would come here to rest before I head to my next mission." I said and we walked in an old lady walked up to us. "Sakura! My dear!" She exclaimed and she hugged me. "Grandmother, it's good to see you doing well." I said. "Please all of you come to rest up, I figure you're all demon hunters." Grandmother said. 

She got us all a change of clothes and food and she got a doctor for the boys. "And here are your rooms." Grandmother said. "Wait! Sakura~san is sleeping in the same room as us?!" Zenitsu questioned with hearts in his eyes before Michiko whacked him upside his head. "No! You pervert!" She yelled and I had to hold her from attacking Zenitsu. "No the ladies will have a separate room." Grandmother said and Zenitsu sulked in the corner of their room. I just shook my head and me and Michiko went into our room which was unfortunately next to the boy's room. Me and Michiko changed into the yukatas Grandmother gave us and we laid in our futons. "Mama..." I heard Michiko call out to me and I hear her sit up. "Hmm?" I hummed with my eyes still closed. "Papa and Niichan, told me what happened..." She said and I opened my eyes and saw she was hugging her knees to her chest trying not to cry. "Michi..." I said. "Ever since Papa came back he's been blaming himself because of you and Nezuko turning into demons, your family dying and my little brother dying too." Michiko said and I hugged her. 

"It's not his fault. It's Muzan's fault...He's the one who attacked us and I couldn't even protect myself...." I said and Michiko hugged me. I rubbed her head as she cried softly. I laid back holding Michiko in my arms. "I love you Mama." Michiko said. "I love you too, Michi." I said and we both fell asleep. 

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