~Chapter 6~

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Tanjiro POV

I walked up to the demon as it was starting to disappear. It had its hand out "What a sad scent." I said to myself. I put my hands on the demon's hand "Please God help him." I prayed for the demon. The next time this man is born, please don't let him turn into a demon again. Then the demon fully went away. I kept running when another demon chased after me. I managed to get through these branches that the demon couldn't get through. "I've got a question for you." I said to it. "Once someone turns into a demon how do you change them back?" I asked it. It made it through the branches and I cut it's head off. 'Someone please tell me, so I can change Sakura and Nezuko back.' I said in my head. I kept running watching out for more demons and I stopped a bit trying to catch my breath. Then I sniffed around and noticed I was around Wisteria. "I made it" I said. It was now morning and I saw it was only four of us left. 'So he didn't make it. He's gone and all because I blacked out. I couldn't save him. I said in my head. "Welcome back everyone." The two girls said.

"And congratulations. We're please to see you're safe." They said. "So? What am I supposed to do now?" A boy asked. "Where's my sword?" He asked. "Patience, we must first issue you your uniforms. We'll start by taking your measurements, next your rank will be engraved on the back of your hand. For your reference there are ten ranks in total. Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchinoe, Tsuchinoto, Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizunoe, and Mizunoto. You all start at the lowest rank, Mizunoto." They both said. "And our swords?" The boy asked again.  "In a moment you will be given the chance to select the ore that will be used to forge your swords. However it will be ten to fifteen days before the weapons are ready for you." They said.  "But first, now that your demon slayers you much each be assigned your own Kasugai Crow." They said. "We get crows then, What for?" I asked. "The Kasugai Crows are primarily used for communication." They said.  "Agh! I don't need this crap! Who the hell cares about some stupid crow!" He shouted and he walked up to the girls and he grabbed the white haired one by her hair. "I want my sword right now. Give it to me before I get angry. The color changing katana I want it now do you hear me?!" He yelled.

I grabbed his arm "Take your hand off her or I'll break your arm right now." I told him. "Huh, who the hell are you, give it your best shot." He said. I took a deep breath and I squeezed his arm and I heard his bone crack. I let him go and he backed away a bit. "Are you finish chatting with each other?" The black haired one said. She pulled the cloth off of the table and revealed these ores. "Now the time has come, please select an ore to use for your sword. The steel you will use to protect yourself and to annihilate countless demons will be that of your own choosing." The girl said.  I sniffed the air and then I gasped a bit and I walked up and picked my ore. After a long day the sun was setting and I was using a stick to help me walk. 'I'm so naive and a fool. I couldn't even get a demon to talk to me. All any of them wanted to do was kill me.' I said in my head. "Oh Sakura, Nezuko, I'm sorry. I'm no closer to finding a cure to making them humans again." I said. I fell to the ground, and my uniform was feeling heavy. 'I wanna get home, but every part of me hurts.' I said in my head. I picked myself back up slowly and I continued to make my way.

It was night time and I put my hand on Sakura's necklace that she gave me before I left. I smiled a bit 'I did it Sakura. I did it for you and Nezuko.' I said in my head. I then finally made it back to the mountain " I made it Nezuko...Urokodaki... Sakura." I said, but then I see the door get kicked down and Nezuko walks out. I drop my stick "Nezuko! It's you! Your awake!" I shouted. I started to run towards her, but I fell and I feel her hug me. I hug her back and I start to cry. "Why'd you and Sakura do that? Why'd you have to sleep for so long? I thought you two were never gonna wake up. I was afraid you two were gonna die." I said through my tears. "Tanjiro! You're okay!" I heard Sakura shout and she hugged me and Nezuko. I feel Urokodaki hug me, Sakura and Nezuko "You're here you came back alive." I heard him say. We went back inside and I sat with Urokodaki "You did it you killed that mutated demon." Urokodaki said. "Yes." I said nodding. "Then its over. I'm truly impressed that you made it back." He said. "Thanks." I said. "You should know there are different kinds of demons. The Blood Demon Art is a special spell some use to give them abilities. You may end up having to fight one of those demons in the near future and fighting against those with supernatural abilities will be more difficult than anything you've done. Still, Tanjiro I have no doubt that you'll be just fine." He said.

"Right, So um it seems like Nezuko and Sakura aren't like other demons, do you think it's because of this blood art thing?" I asked him. "No I think it something else. I wouldn't call that an example of the Blood Demon Arts. This is only a guess, but I believe Sakura and Nezuko are recovering their strength by sleeping. Instead of consuming human flesh as other demons do." Urokodaki said. I sat in the room where Nezuko and Sakura were sleeping 'Don't worry I'm going to protect both of you Sakura and Nezuko.' I said in my head. I put Sakura's necklace back around her neck and then I ended up going to sleep.

15 days later

A man with a large hat on covering his face walked towards the house "Uh hi there." I said. "My name is Haganezuka. I've forged Tanjiro Kamado's sword and I am here to deliver it." He said. "Oh, sorry I'm Tanjiro Kamado." I said. "This is the Nichirin sword. And I forged it." He said. "Um do you wanna come in?" I asked him. "The materials for a Nichirin sword are obtained from the mountain closest to the sun. Made with scarlet iron sand and scarlet ore. These produce steel that can absorb sunlight." He said. "Wow really?" I asked. "Mt. Yoko is bathed in sunlight all day long, you see." He said and then he turned and looked at me. "Hey, you're a child of brightness, aren't you? Well isn't that lucky." He said. "Uh no my parents are Tanjuro and Kie." I said. "That's not what I mean. You know how your hair and eyes have a reddish hue? Well a family that works with fire has a child like you it's considered lucky and cause for celebration." He said. 

"Is it really? I had no idea." I said. "Then there a good chance this sword will turn red. Right Urokodaki?" He questioned. "Yes." I heard Urokodaki say. We went inside and I was holding my sword. "Come on draw it already. Nichirin swords are also known as Color changing katanas because depending on the bearer they change color" Haganezuka said. I took the sword out and I held it with both hands and it started to turn black. "Black?!" Haganezuka questioned. "Black interesting." Urokodaki said. "Why? Does turning black means something bad? Is it unlucky?" I questioned. "No, no it's just that's it a little unusual you don't see it often. It's pitch black." Urokodaki said. "I was really hoping I get to see a sword turn bright red! Damn it!" Haganezuka shouted and he launched himself onto me "Ouch! Hey let go! Stop please! Ouch! How old are you anyway?!" I shouted. "I'm 37!" He shouted and the a crow flew in "Huh?" I questioned. "Tanjiro Kamado. I bring you orders." The crow said. "Huh? It can talk?" I questioned. "You must go to a town northwest of here and hurry young girls are disappearing. Night after night at least one of them vanishes. You must hunt down the demon responsible and destroy it. Tanjiro Kamado prepare yourself well. This is your first assignment as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps." The crow said. "Alright it's time." I said. 

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