~Chapter 3~

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Sakura POV

"We're sorry to leave you three, but I know you will protect both of them for us, right Saki? Don't worry we'll take care of your little one up here." I heard mother's voice say. My eyes shot open and I sat up in the snow gasping for air. "Sakura!" I heard someone shout. I looked up and I saw Tanjiro. "Tanjiro!" I exclaimed and I quickly got up and ran over to Tanjiro and I hugged him like I was gonna lose him too. He hugged me back and I could feel tears run down my face. "Its okay Sakura. You're all right now. You're not gonna lose me either" Tanjiro said like he knew what I was thinking. We let go and I feel around my sash, but I start to freak out not feeling my flute in my sash. "Hey, hey calm down. I have it with me right here." Tanjiro said putting his hand on my cheek.

Then I felt my stomach. I couldn't feel anything...no heartbeat...not even a kick. "Sakura..." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and I saw it was Giyu. I started crying and I laid on the ground holding my stomach. "The baby...." Tanjiro muttered and I feel Giyu hug me. "I'm so sorry...If I got here sooner this wouldn't have happened." Giyu said. "So you're Saki's husband." Tanjiro said and I feel Giyu nod. "Don't worry, Mom. I'm still here and Michiko." I heard Katsu say and I hugged him. He hugged me back and I just wanted to hug him, like I did when he was a baby, but he isn't my little baby anymore. Then I finally calmed down. "You three need to go to an old man named Sakonji Urokodaki who lives at the foot of Mt. Sagiri. Tell him Giyu Tomioka sent you. Both of them see to be all right since it's cloudy now, but never let them be exposed to the sunlight okay?" Giyu said before he and Katsu disappeared. I went over to Nezuko and I held her close to me. "Come on Sakura." I heard Tanjiro say. I nodded and carried Nezuko bridal style and followed him.

We walked back up the mountain and Nezuko woke up so I put her down and let her walk. We got back to our house after all I remember was seeing this strange man broke down our door and killed mom, Shigeru, Hanako, and Takeo. Then I saw Nezuko on the ground lying on top of Rokuta and mom told me run as I was on the ground backing up from the strange man. I manged to get up and run, but I wasn't able to get far enough when something grabbed my legs making fall face first into the snow and then it went black. Tanjiro buried everyone and prayed for a bit. When Tanjiro was done he stood and I quickly went into our house and I grabbed my nichirin lance and my haori on. My haori was bright pink with a Cherry Blossom Tree on it and my lance was a shiny pink color. Tanjiro grabbed Nezuko and I's hands "Lets go." He said and we walked away. Tanjiro stopped and looked back at the graves. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looks up at me and smiles and we run into the forest towards Mt. Sagiri.

~Time skip~

The sun was starting to show so Tanjiro found a small cave for us and me and Nezuko crawled inside and stayed there until Tanjiro came back or when the sun goes down. Nezuko made a hole in the cave and she stayed in there. Me on the other hand the sun didn't hurt me or kill me. The sun had no effect on me even since I'm a demon now. I didn't understand why though I crawled out of the cave and just stood there nothing happened. I saw Tanjiro coming back over to the cave. He looked up at me and his eyes widened and he ran over towards me "Sakura?! What are you doing out here?! Giyu said to not be exposed to sunlight." Tanjiro said freaking out. I sighed and showed him that the sun wasn't doing anything to me. "So you can stay in the sunlight?" Tanjiro questioned. "How am I supposed to know?" I asked and I looked back in the cave and Nezuko was still down in her hole. "Nezuko? Nezuko?" Tanjiro called her. She poked her head up out of her hole and looked at us "Come on Nezuko." Tanjiro said. Nezuko shook her head no. Tanjiro fixed up the basket he head and I stayed in the cave with Nezuko. "Hey Nezuko do you think you can fit in here?" Tanjiro asked her coming in the cave with the basket.

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