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"I don't want to be in the play. I want to do lights and sounds," Benny said dramatically.

"Yeah, 'cause that'll be much cooler," Ethan said sarcastically.

"Have you ever seen that controller console? It has, like, a million buttons," Benny pretended like he was typing on a keyboard.

"I was assigned for costumes. They have the costumes already, I just need to watch over them to make sure no one rips them," I said with fake excitement.

"I'm sure you'll keep them in pristine condition. Maybe you can add some of your own touches too," Rory assured me, squeezing my hand.

Ethan turned to Benny. "I just don't want you making lightning and burning everyone's hair off."

"Again," I emphasized the point.

"Eyebrows don't count as hair!" Benny rolled his eyes.

As we turned the corner, Benny reached for the pen at the same time Erica did. Benny lowered his hand after staring at Erica for a second. "Age before beauty."

"Oh, that's it! Let the eagles of creativity soar. I'm off to make copies of this wonderful script." She tried to open it, but the book was like it was latched shut.

"Looks like it doesn't want to be opened," Ethan stated.

"It didn't want to be found, either. Hiding away inside that basement wall for twenty-five years, and I dug it out." She managed to get it open. "Oh, there we go. Should be clear sailing from here." She walked away.


"I'm the understudy? But I totally nailed that audition!" Erica asked in disbelief.

"You were very... present," she explained. "Congratulations, Sunday Clovers. You're our lead!"

She squealed as she ran over to where we were standing. She took a deep breath, composing herself. "Do I dream? Or do my waking eyes see color anew? Such reds. Such golds! Ah to see my joy! Thank you so much, Ms. Lofthouse Oldman-Little!"

"Oh. The kids call me Ms. LOL," she smiled.

"Makes me want to put that little shrimp on the barbie," Erica whispered to us.

"I know you'll be a real ace understudy, and you'll step right in if something happens to me!" Sunday beamed at Erica.

"Yes, if something happens to you." Sunday hugged her and I could hear a cracking sound.

"Wow! You have a lot of positive energy. I could feel it in my ribs! I'm grinning like a shot fox. I'm gonna do the Harold Hold and have a Captain Cook at my dressing room!" Sunday said excitedly, squealing before running off.

"What just happened?" Sarah asked.

"Oh, and Sarah. I know you'd be a perfect fit for Sundrop's best friend, Rainbeam," Ms. LOL smiled.

"I was just helping Erica out. I wasn't trying out myself," Sarah shook her head.

"What a shame. You're a natural," Ms. LOL frowned.

"Really? Because I had so much fun doing it! And the part about the bunnies that "wuv" each other? So cute!" Sarah gushed.

"I'll take that as a big yes," Ms. LOL walked away.

"Welcome aboard. Good luck acting like you can stand Sunday Clovers," Erica rolled her eyes.

Sunday pranced down the hallway in front of us, singing a scale and twirling. I smiled at her. She had way too much energy.

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