
572 19 47

Ages in this chapter:
Ray: 6
Emma: 5
Norman: 5 (almost 6)
Don: 4
Gilda: 4

Normal setting:
Ray: 14
Norman: 14

"Emma! You can't catch me!"

"Nah! Imma tag you and then you'll be it!"

"Oh, come and get me then!"

Emma, Ray, and Norman were playing along with Don, Gilda, Anna, and many more kids were playing tag. They could almost hear the snow crunching below their feet. The soft, cold touch of the snow falling gently tickles their body as they rush around in the forest. Laughter could be heard all over the forest.

"Finally! I got you Ray!"

"Took you long enough, Emma!"

"Well, as usual I survived the entire 20 minutes!"

"Norman! Stop bragging!"

"Eh?!?! Am I not allowed to brag?"

Ray could be obviously seen pouting, with an obvious frustrated face. His cute, young eyes were attempting to glare at Norman, but he ended up looking cute. Soft giggles can be heard from Emma.

"Yo Emma, why are you laughing?"

"You just look so funny while you're pouting!"

"Uh huh."

Emma started to giggle more, but not before a snowball hit her on the back. She turned around shocked, only to find out it was Ray, throwing a snowball at her.

Emma smirked as she bent down and rolled up a snowball of her own. Ray was laughing at Emma until she said,

"It's on!!!"

Eventually, everyone started pelting each other with snowballs, enormous amounts of giggling was heard as everyone felt the cold snow on their faces. The snowball fight continued on until Mama Isabella came out and clapped her hands.

"Children, come inside. I know you guys are having fun, but dinner's ready. I have prepared a warm feast along with hot chocolate."

Everyone cheered because hot chocolate was being served. Eventually, everyone piled inside to go to their seats. Isabella then said the blessing for the food.

"Thanks for the food."

She quickly opened her eyes and everyone started gobbling into the feast. Everyone was happy and excited for the days to come.

The Next Day

Norman wasn't feeling very well. In fact, he felt like he could catch a cold. With a sudden coughing fit, he woke himself up, worrying himself. He scratched his head not before coughing again.

Ray suddenly heard him cough, and went to his mother to take him to the infirmary. He walked to her room and went inside to see her working on cleaning it.

"Mommy, I heard Norman cough. I think he's got a cold again."

"Sweetie, how long has he been coughing?"

"Ever since he got up!"

"Well, I'll go pick him up and get him some medication. He'll be better soon!"

Isabella patted her son's head slowly, and walked to the boy's bedrooms. She saw Norman, ill in bed. She slowly picked his sleeping body up and took him to the infirmary.

The Art of Love (TPN High School AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum