~Chapter XI~

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Tick tock.... Times tickin for angst day. I can't believe everything you're about to see is coming in two days.


Someone will 100% die. I am not stating whom, however. It's up to YOU to guess. And how will he/she die? 




Ray's POV

Am I dreaming? This doesn't feel like reality. One of the most infamous men on the planet just basically asked me, a 15 year old, if he wanted to fucking manage his damn business?

Damn... I know he won't judge if I say no... but, I need to think about this. This comes with a blessing and a curse.

I have been asked probably one of the riskiest choices I have ever made. I can join the Ratris, roll the die and become a legend, and very rich. I could live a comfortable life and be wit-

No no, don't go that far

Wait... if you love her, then why not ask her out? I should wait for a sign.

But then again, I will be written as someone who followed the bait of money and chose evil over good, according to the evil ass government who wants us to be nothing but puppets and those who want security over freedom. It's a crazy route, but again, it would probably be worth the hate I would get. I could rewrite history.

But again, I could be a coward and say no. I would still have a good name, but I wouldn't be affiliated. I mean, I once saw in a movie that is probably over 70 years old that a character once said;

"Do or do not, there is no try."

Was the character named Yoda? I don't even know, its been a long time since I watched that old ass movie. Graphics used to be really bad in the 1970s, I guess? Oh well, I should rewatch that series. But, now that I have thought about it, I think I know what I want to do.

"Well, Ray, what is your response? Its been ten minutes."

"Ah fuck! You got me out of thought. I have decided what I want to do; I will accept it. I am willing to roll the die and get a bad name. But again, its for my future. If I don't have grit to do things that I am not comfortable doing, I won't go far in life. I-I begrudgingly accept your deal."

"That's great-"

Peter started to say, but I cut him off with me raising my right hand. I needed to inform this dude I still don't trust him and that I am keeping my guard up. I mean, it's an amazing offer....

"No, hold on. I am accepting your offer, but that doesn't mean I trust you. I don't trust you not even a little bit. I mean, yeah, I accept your offer. Thanks for the opportunity."

When we stopped at a stop-light, Peter looked me right in the eye and shook my hand, sealing the deal. When I looked in his eyes, they were psychotic and kind at the same time. I never knew someone could be insane yet so sane at the same time. I sighed and continued relaxing.

Five minutes later, we finally arrived at the restaurant. It was a really famous Pizzeria, Boston Angels. I could literally feel my mouth drooling at the thought of finally eating that damn pizza that tastes so good. The last time I even ate there was two years ago, in 2047, when I was 13. I never asked to go there again because we were tight on money at the time.

Sometimes, I wish we were richer. That we all could visit most places in the world. I want to see the finished Sagrada Familia. I have heard it took over 200 years to build. I know those things were massive, but holy shit-

We finally parked, and saw that those two lovebirds were still sleeping. Or so I thought. It was fairly obvious that Aiden was awake, and ready to go eat. Very tired, but very ready to eat. I rolled my eyes and whispered, making sure not to awaken the sleeping owl.

"Aiiddeen, I know you're awake. We are here. Wake up your boyfriend as well because we are meeting Noah here to have a casual conversation for once. You gotta get ready!"

I smirked as I saw Aiden's face go completely red. I could tell he was about to scream he's not my boyfriend, when I noticed that Norman chose to wake up at that exact moment in time.

Me and Aiden looked at each other in horror, wondering if the albino heard that. I could easily tell that Aiden is growing even redder, as if that was possible. At this point, he was even more red than his hair.

"Hey guys! We are here am I right? And, Aiden, why is your face all red?"

Phew he didn't hear our previous conversation

I doubted that Aiden wanted to explain he has a big ass crush on Norman. Its so fucking obvious that I cannot even stand it at this point. If they don't confess sooner or later, I swear I'll scream.

I'll get it out of him sooner or later. Better yet, tonight.

I am surprised those two ain't blushing because they just slept together. I doubt they even care, and thats progress. If those idiots can get together, then I could rest in peace. Maybe then, I can finally confess to Emma. I finally got out of the car and saw that Noah and Peter were casually talking.

When they finally noticed me, they smiled at me and nodded at me to go inside. In the corner of my eye, I could see Aiden and Norman slowly becoming blushing messes. I wonder what made them like that eh? I wonder if they just called each other cute or something like that.

I shrugged it off and walked inside to finally eat the said to be one of the best pizzerias in the Northeast. I couldn't wait to put that slice in- and thats when I forgot that Emma wasn't awake.

"Hey! I am gonna go get Emma."

They nodded at me as I rushed back to the car to wake up Emma. I am surprised, with that ruckus, that she didn't wake up. And there she was, sleeping in all of her sleeping beauty, Emma. She looked so cute just sleeping there I just wanted to do all sorts of crazy things with her, even kiss her, ha-

Woah woah, don't get dirty now! I don't know if she even likes you!

I slapped myself. Why did I let my brain get ahead of myself and let it dictate myself? Honestly, I should be more careful. I poked Emma awake, and she slowly opened her eyes to see me, smiling as I stood over there.

"Hey prince."

Suddenly, I was a blushing mess. Why the fuck would she call me a prince? I mean- maybe because I was acting like sleeping beauty's prince, her body awaiting the true love's kiss to awaken her from her slumber.

"Lets go... we need to eat."

We walked inside, hand in hand. I didn't really know what I was doing, but eventually, I saw our table. As soon as I got in, all I received was a smirk. More than one actually. Annoying as fuck. And there they were; Norman and Aiden, still a blushing mess.

Eventually, our orders came. While I was slobbering down some nice ole pizza, Aiden and Norman were chatting about why this place is awesome, with a couple of flirty lines. That's it, I am taking Aiden outside. I'm tired of him acting so weird, they need to confess. Eventually, I'll have this talk with Norman.

Just not right now.

I grabbed Aiden's hand and took him outside. I shoved him into a brick wall, and he winced in pain as his back hit the wall.

"So, why don't you explain why you and Norman haven't confessed yet?"

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