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Been awhile hasn't it?

Well, turns out most of y'all want this one. Dw to my MHA fans, EP will be continued at some point.

I'd like to mention since we aren't doing a sequel, the first arc is almost done. Probably like 6-10 more chapters. I'll possibly bring back Angst Wednesday and Fluff Friday. Probably not due to the rest of the arc being angsty.

Ofc, I'm sorry if it doesn't correlate with the plot. It's been like 5 months. You might see a sudden quality increase, and that's because I'm a Sophomore currently, so don't worry if I don't update.

Enough rambling. This is a test, to see if you truly want it.

No POV (I use this more)

Everything suddenly seemed to come to an end... The day went through Oliver like a train passing through a railroad. Nothing appeared to be perfect, but in this cruel world, nothing would ever be perfect.

Of course, he knew why. When he was twelve, he made a mistake. Maybe Jack saved him, but that doesn't excuse his shitty attitude and psychopathic attitude. A sudden shadow overlooked him, grappling him forcing him to his knees.

The shadow smirked, knowing that he got the poor boy into the grass softened by centuries of soft rain, almost pure. It was a holy ground, extending to even before the damn colonists. Vibrations could be felt emitting from the white-haired boy. Out of all times this December, this had to happen?

The shadowy snake slithered around the body, withholding its intentions, rather only temporarily. Slithering, it smirked as he knew exactly where to hit him the worst, after all it was there throughout all of his temptations and horrors.

This is all your damn fault!

Ray just pities you for your past.

Oliver suddenly clutched his head, screaming. What could he do, anyways? The snake hasn't been beaten very often, and had lead him astray to many dark pasts. It tempted him to almost go homophobic until this school year. The snake wanted him to follow a certain false prophet. Mercilessly, this snake bit him, injecting him with some sort of venom.

Screams could be heard emitting from the boy. Lightning bolts struck him a million times, the feeling worsening every second. Suddenly, a calm hand released reached for the boy's shoulder among the towering pain of guilt.

"It's okay, Oliver. I understand what you're going through."

Ray was genuinely worried. What could've happened to cause this form of a panic attack? Knowing the feeling, he estimated it was guilt. Guilt of death, believing the wrong sides, and even being the cause of a death. Not like he blamed him, because he thought that all the time.


"Yes, it isn't your fault."

The snake, frightened, slithered away, knowing it has been defeated by a foreign influence; the love of a true and powerful friendship. The power of understanding, he knew exactly that he wasn't alone. And this, was the snake's fatal flaw. Nothing else could dispel it for awhile at least.

"O-okay... Now, let's go help a fellow friend."

Ray smiled. At the very least, his friend was feeling better. He'd hate it if his good friend continued to have such problems, especially in convincing Aiden in the such ways of a manipulation. They needed to free him. To release him back, to be free. No longer held by the chains of manipulation.

But of course, two people. Noah and Norman. They knew him the best, and would know how to release him. Somehow, he needed to find a certain someone... and that person sizzled two months ago.

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