~Chapter X~

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Ray's POV:

The legend himself, Peter Rartri, the person accused of so many crimes is before my face? Naturally, I stood in front of Emma, protecting her. I am not letting a potential pervert get right up in my best friend's face! However, why did Norman hug Peter and Aiden seem chill around him?

Those two idiots have some damn explaining to do!

Peter appeared to hold up his hands. I mean, I don't blame him. He's an international criminal known for human trafficking am I right? I mean seriously, why hasn't he been executed yet? Maybe because they haven't been captured?

Aiden sighed and crossed his arms. I mean, hes probably the person who doesn't trust others easily and doesn't make friends quickly. I mean, why the fuck does he even like Peter Rartri? Hes probably plotting something behind our backs!

"Ray, Emma, lets have Norman's uncle explain in the car."

I begrudgingly, while still holding onto Emma, go outside. And, thats when I realized truly how rich Peter is; he has a fucking rolls-royce. THE FUCKING LATEST MODEL AS WELL FITTED WITH BULLET-PROOF WINDOWS AND CAMRAS!

I stood there gaping in shock at the car. I mean, I sometimes wish my parents were that rich, but, I remembered; Leslie and Isabella are more like the middle class. They try to support me as much as they can while balancing their own money.

And that's what I love about them. Wanting to support me while they can. How awesome my parents are! Why did I even think about leaving them behind via suicide?

I finally got into the front seat of the car, with Emma sitting on my lap. For some strange reason, they insisted on that. Either they are still shipping because of that 'scene' on the rooftop, or they just want to simp on each other.

I smiled as she fell asleep, nuzzling the nape of my neck. I rubbed her back slowly as she hugged me tightly. I sighed and closed my eyes, enjoying being in the company of Emma for a few moments. I forgot about a potentially dangerous man driving us to dinner, for a few seconds until I heard a voice drive me back to reality.

"You two are close, am I right? Close enough to be snuggling like that?"

I shook my head. Of course, as most people did, Peter got the wrong idea. I guess I really do see the family resemblance to Norman.... Getting the wrong idea for very simple things. First of all, we are just friends.

"Yeah, we are just friends. Why ya ask?"

"Love is a strange thing. I remember being your age, just like you. I would always think I've found my soulmate but, it turns out to be wrong."

I sighed. I can't deny that many girls must've gone through the same thing whilst meeting me; me being so damn hot and edgy that they wanna think I am their soulmate. I doubt I am destined for love.

"Yeah, why?"

"I believe my nephew has found his own soulmate. Aiden honestly seems like he would do pretty much anything for him, even probably become a god or devil."

"Norman would probably say the same for Aiden. They are honestly truly in love. I mean... their obvious hand-holding and hugging? I wouldn't be surprised if they got married. Aiden would be an awesome nephew-in-law."

"Yeah. He's an awesome person. I am glad I met him, we're great friends."

"Well, I guess I can say the same with you and Emma being soulmates."

My face proceeded to go beet red. I don't even think she likes me, hell, even as a good friend! I bet she only loves me platonically!

I bet Peter saw my face, because he chuckled at it.

"You really are oblivious. Honestly? I don't blame you, it's said that most people don't even know they are soulmates until much later. Possibly the dating phase, when it's most common. And that usually leads to marriage. I guess you can say that both Norman and Aiden's love for each other, along with yours and Emma's love is written in the stars."

I smiled at that statement as I looked behind me, and saw that Norman and Aiden were sleeping on each other, heads resting on each other's shoulders. It almost felt natural, and I felt like if I interrupted them, I would be interrupting something very meaningful. I couldn't help but take out my phone and snap a picture of them.

They are so not hearing the end of this!

Peter simply just smiled at me, and suddenly frowned.

"I know what you probably have heard of me, me doing human trafficking, being homophobic, racist, a nazi, and so much more. The only thing that is actually true is that I am a mega-rich snob. If I was a homophobe, would I be supporting Norman and Aiden's possible romance right now?"

I let his words sink in. WHAT THE FUCK? He's actually secretly a good person? I am confused why they would be putting such a label on a good man. I mean, they should have a good reason, being the government after all.

"Well, may I ask what you do with the Lamba Business? I'm sorry if that's intrusive, Mr Ratri."

"That's okay! What we do here is researching the human brain. How it develops, how it works, and so much more. We also focus on emotional intelligence. What's even crazier is that we know how to develop a brain in such a way that someone is extremely intelligent. I was gonna have Norman go through the tests that are usually done to improve the intelligence of the kids, but the government wants us to be filled with lies and hate, and plus, being the conservative assholes they are, put a label on me and exiled me from society."

"Well, if they accuse you of being a Nazi, doesn't that make them the Nazis if they do that to you?"

"Well, that sure does make them Nazis! I never thought of that! We all agree that the public should be told of the truth. That's why I need a hand on extending the project. In fact, I have something to ask you. Better now than later."

"Well, what do you want from me? Something to do with my brain? If it is I am-"

"Before you make judgements, hear me out."

I bowed my head and sighed in defeat. I have to find out, as much as I dislike this man. I mean his backstory is sad, but that could easily be a lie.

"Fine, tell me what you want."

"Would you like to be the head of one of our main branches?"

NiCe CliFf-HaNgEr VuLcaN!

Seriously though, today begins the drama. And, somebody may or may not die this week. 

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