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[A/N: from this chapter onward, it will all be in the girl, Jang Hana's POV unless stated so c: Also, I was watching Karate Kid (the Jaden Smith version) when I thought of the librarian's name cx

Hobi on the side is just so cuteeeeee isn't he? Hehe]

"Good morning, Madam Han," I greeted the old librarian at the desk as I walked into my favourite place of the school. She squints her eyes slightly before her mouth tugged into a smile.

"Hello, dearie. Come down to have another chat with this old lady again, I see." She chuckles softly but still coughed, causing her to pull a tissue from the box in front of her. Folding it quickly, she didn't want me to see what she had coughed out, but I knew it was blood.

"Are you okay, Madam Han? Do you need me to bring you to the nurse's office?" I asked her as she threw the tissue into the bin next to her desk. She shook her head and gave me a small smile, "Thank you, my dear. But there's no need of that. Why not you run along and start on your reading?" I nodded and walked away after saying goodbye.

Sometimes I can't help but worry about her. She's just so fragile and vulnerable, especially since her husband had passed just last month. Left with unfilial children, she spent her days alone here at the library and her small apartment with her pet dog, Wolfgang. Ironic name, I know. But Madam Han just loves classical music. I knew about her sickness and that she might join her husband anytime since I had been the one who had sent her to the hospital after she fainted outside the school once. But she always pretends that she's okay, and she's fine even though she isn't.

Moving along shelves among shelves of books, I headed towards the romance section. Reading romance novels was my hobby, but to be frank, I'll read anything except school textbooks. Yikes, I may be a nerd, but I am no 4.0GPA scorer in our school. In fact, I was just a normal teenage girl who loves reading and wear fake glasses for fun just because I think that glasses make me unrecognisable in school (although it doesn't).

I waved towards my silent reading partner, Carey, as she saw me walking towards the romance section. She and I were only reading buddies, talking about books and the characters even though we weren't really friends. We just have a simple and plain kind of relationship.

"Hey Hana, have you read The Fault In Our Stars yet? It's like the most romantic love story that is in right now," She asked without looking up from the book in her hands. I have read that book and had wished it was translated to Korean cause I had to search the dictionary every single page.

"Yeah. But couldn't they have a translated version? My English already sucks." I said as I plucked Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets of the shelf. Now see, I was a linguist, meaning I could speak and read different languages, but English just so happened to be my worst.

"Honey, believe me. If there was a translated version, I won't bother even picking up the English one." Carey laughed as she still did not lift up her head, concentrating on the book. Carey is a transfer from America, but she loathes the place and everything related to it, including the language.

"Let's just finish as much as we can before bell rings," I suggested before flipping to the page I had left, where Harry and Ron were figuring out Hermione's clue.

Five minutes into the book, I was on the verge of my seat as the story reaches its climax and was about to end. But before I could even flip to the next page, Carey was nudging me with her elbow and nodding towards the entrance of the library.

"Mister Hotshots is here. Tell me what would he be doing in here?" Carey and I have a weird habit. We pick on and stereotype people who come to the library, whether it be them coming to study or joke around.

I shrugged, not knowing what to say. It's not everyday 1/7 of the infamous jock line of our school was entering the library, the one sacred place they dare not to enter. "Beats me. Could be coming in to borrow a book?"

Carey shrugged and was about to return to her book when her eyes locked onto the guy again. "If he was borrowing a book, why would he be staring at our direction and coming towards us?"

I looked up again from my book and stared at the oncoming guy. What the heck. He really was coming towards us. I wonder what for. Could he be interested in romance books too?

The questions running wildly in my head stop as soon as he stopped in front of our table, staring at me. Which in turn cause me to blush madly. Carey, noticing the situation and being a good reading buddy, decided to leave me to deal with it, by myself.

"Um.. Hi? Can I help you?" I asked, the awkward tension hanging in the air as he seemed to be trying to calm himself down and speak up.

"Actually, you can. I need to talk to you and you have to take me seriously, please."

And that people, was how I, Jang Hana, ended up running down the hallways of the school to who knows where with 1/7 of the jock line.

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