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I had ran towards the one place I knew no one would look.. The library. It was currently recess or free period for most students and a ninety-nine percent of them would definitely not come to the library to spend their time. Carey won't be around either because she didn't have a free period at the moment.

I walked to the end of the library, where it was dark and a corner famous for couples. I slid against the wall and placed my head on my knees, curling myself up into a ball. The entire area was quiet except for my sobs and whimpers. No matter how many times I tried to wipe my tears away, they just keep on falling.

Questions start to fill my head. How and why did I get into such a serious accident? Why had it caused me to lose my memories? Why is Hoseok the same too? Why can't he remember us?

I shook my head and cried some more. I don't know how long, but it felt very long, before I felt someone taking a seat next to me and tapping my shoulder. I ignored the person, thinking that it was probably a nosy know-it-all.

"Hana?" I stopped crying and opened my eyes. That voice.. I know that voice.. Taehyung? 

"Hana, are you okay?" This time I could confirm it was Taehyung. I had seen him around these bookshelves once in awhile, and at that time I wasn't sure if it was him. But now, now I can definitely confirm that the boy whom I have seen often in the library is Taehyung.

I lifted my head and stared at him, the tears rolling down my cheeks. "Do I look like I'm alright?" I saw him winced a little but hid it up real quickly. "I-I'm sorry, I just h-had a bad day, okay?"

He nodded before offering me a tissue. I took it and wiped my tears away slowly as I leaned back onto the wall. He did the same and stared at the blank space in front of us. "You know, Hana, my shoulder is always here for you to cry on and I'm always willing to listen. I won't tell a single soul unless you want me to," 

I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to forget everything. Subconsciously, my head had fallen onto Taehyung's shoulders. The sweet smell of vanilla and peppermint lured me closer as I leaned into Taehyung's embrace and opened my eyes. "I'm not ready, Tae. I'll tell you when I'm ready," 

He kept quiet and tightened his hold on me. I sighed once more and stayed that way with him for awhile longer. For some reason, I wanted to stay like this forever. Taehyung was warm, and his embrace made me calm. His vanilla and peppermint smell soothing my feelings down as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

"Ouch," I muttered as I rubbed my eyes, sitting up. The ray of sunlight from the windows hurting my eyes as I stretched before getting up. I was still a little groggy, but I could tell I was most definitely not in my own room, nor am I in Lynna's room, nor Hoseok's room. So whose room am I in?

I lifted the covers off of me and reached for my phone on the bedside table as I left the room. Walking down the hall, I found a flight of stairs and walked down slowly. Being very careful, I held my phone next to me, getting ready to speed dial the police if anything happens. Yes, I have the police on speed dial because my mom forced me to do it. 

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, the entire house was eerily quiet, as if there wasn't anyone home. I walked to my left, which I noticed was the living room. No one was in there. But the place looks so cozy, tidy and beautiful. I stood there for a second, staring at the beautiful place, wondering whose house was this.

As I was about to turn, someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I jumped and in the sense of panic, threw my phone at the person. "Ow! That hurts, Hana!" I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung holding onto his nose, which was bleeding. 

"Shoot! I'm sorry! I thought you were going to attack me or something.." I grabbed tissues from a nearby tissue box and handed them to Taehyung. He thanked me and faced his back to me as he wiped the blood from his nose.

I picked up my phone and made Taehyung turn around. "Are you okay? I guess I threw my phone too hard. Sorry," He nodded and placed a hand up, indicating that it was okay. 

He soon stuffed a small roll of tissue into his right nostril to stop the bleeding. Feeling guilty, I was trying to find ways of leaving. But before I could do anything, Taehyung grabbed onto my wrist and led me out of the house. Surprised, I only followed along as he unlocked his car and ushered me inside. Starting the engine, we left the beautiful house.

"Where are we going, Tae?" I asked as I noticed he wasn't sending me home. 

"It's a surprise," He said as he drove further into the distance.

♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡  

Pestering Taehyung the entire two hours we were on the road, we finally reached our destination. Taehyung smiled as he led me towards the fair, where the bright lights and smell of popcorn filled the air. It was my first time coming to a fair and I was extremely excited. Plus Taehyung was bringing me here, it felt kind of nice after the day's events.

"Come on! We should get something to eat before we start playing," He smiled before jutting out his arm, indicating for me to take it. I smiled and looped my arm through as we walked towards the food stands, where delicious smells of food filled the air.

We each got a hamburger and soda. As we walked along the entire food strip, we pointed to different stalls, contemplating on eating, almost buying, but left before we could do so. We laughed as the customers behind us got frustrated and gave us inappropriate signs and curses. We enjoyed fooling and angering few more customers before walking towards the rides.

Lining up for the roller coaster, Taehyung looked a little scared, so he kept on stuffing his face with the popcorn we had bought earlier. I laughed and teased him as he got closer in line. Just as our turn came, he was going to back out, but I forced him to sit on it with me. Seeing that he had not choice, he gave in and joined me. During the entire ride, I could see him laughing and screaming as we went on the heart-pounding ride from the corner of my eye. When we got off, he grabbed my arm and went to line up for it once more as I laughed at him.

In a span of two hours, we went on almost all the rides that the festival had to offer. It was close to midnight when we reached the last ride, which was the ferris wheel. Since it was the last ride and the staff were offering one last ride on the ferris wheel before closing the festival for the night, we went on it. 

We were at the top and admiring the view as the ferris wheel stopped. Taehyung and I talked about how beautiful the view was from a high place. As the carriage was tiny, our knees kept on bumping into each other. Taehyung had offered his jacket to place on my lap earlier on when the ride started, but the bumping of our knees were still able to make my heart pound, even if it was just a little. But the bumping became more, my heart pounded faster and I could feel my face flushing red.

"Are you okay, Hana? Are you sick?" I shook my head and smiled as the ferris wheel moved again and we were heading down.

Taehyung drove the two hours home and we were silent the entire journey home. The radio played lots of songs about love, some had a fast beat, some had a slow beat. There wasn't any tension in the air, but I could tell the both of us became awkward real quick. But we soon came pulled to a stop in front of my house. 

"Thank you, Tae. I really appreciate it," I smiled as I pull off my seatbelt. As I got out of the car, Taehyung got out too and walked me to the door of my house, which was really sweet.

"I hope you had a great night and forget whatever it is that happened today, Hana. Goodnight," He smiled as he kissed my forehead. I was frozen as he pulled away, waved and headed towards his car. 

I don't know what made me do it or why I had done it, but before he reach his car, I ran towards him, turned him around and placed my lips on his.

The Bet [BTS J-Hope] DISCONTINUEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें