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Yes, Taehyung and I left. No, we didn't leave school and played truancy. Both of us had Chemistry tests in the following periods so we couldn't risk it. However, Taehyung brought me to the bleachers and we stayed there, admiring the cheerleaders and soccer players as they practiced on the fields. It was a change of scenery from the library, but it was soothing nonetheless.

"Hey, you okay?" I nodded and leaned onto Taehyung's shoulder as he placed an arm around my waist. I felt my eyes droop so I relaxed and tried to take a nap.

Just as I was about to drift off to the land of nod, a sudden pain rushed to my head. Cringing, I got off of Taehyung's shoulder and clutched my head, tears of pain flooding my eyes. 

"Hana? Hana! Hey, listen to me! Look at me!" I turned to look at Taehyung, my tears falling. "It's okay. I'm right here," He said and I remembered. What happened was a memory that was relived. And I remembered. 

As he wiped the tears away, I broke in to a smile and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. "I remembered, Tae, I remembered,"

I felt him tensed up, but he wrapped his arms around me nonetheless. As though he was hesitating, he gulped and asked me what was it that I remembered. 

"I remembered when I caught Hoseok being extremely friendly with another girl and I went to the school bleachers to cry. I thought that he had found a new girl best friend. You found me and told me it was alright, that you were here and that nothing can harm me anymore. I remembered, Tae," I broke the hug to give him a small kiss on the cheek.

I watched as Taehyung sighed a breath of what seemed like relief. Not thinking about it twice, I placed my hand on his cheek, closed my eyes and leaned in. The kiss was soft and sweet, nothing more. But I could tell there was fire in both of our eyes when I pulled away.

"Shall we go back now? I won't let Hoseok hyung harm you," I nodded and grabbed my bag, following Taehyung back to the main building of the school.

* * *

"Isn't  she that girl that suddenly became friends with the Bangtan Boys?"

"I heard that she paid them to become her friends," 

"That's a small matter compared to what I've heard: She tortures the boys so they won't spill about what she has been doing to them,"

"Come to think of it, who the fuck is she?"

"Rubbish. Just another attention seeking whore,"

Tears threatened to fall as I walked down the halls and towards my locker. I didn't and I couldn't see who would do such a thing like spreading rumors. By the second last period of the day, I was pushed and shoved to lockers, climbing up the rumor mill quick after the episode that happened earlier today during lunch.

I was trying to dial the lock of my locker when globs of paper were thrown at my head. It wasn't just one or two by mistake, because soon, almost everyone in the hallway were scrunching up whatever paper they had and threw them at me. I pretended as though there was nothing going on and continued to place my unused books in my locker and packing my homework into my bag. But that was a mistake because instead of paper, they started to throw items at me. Lipstick, mascara stick, pen, erasers, chargers, etc., anything that they could find to throw.

This time, tears did fall and I tried to leave. But no matter how hard I tried, the things that were thrown at me would block my way and I could only stay put, unable to move. I was on the bridge of screaming and running away when I felt someone placed their school blazer on me, shielding me away from the incoming items. Through watery eyes, I saw Taehyung, Lynna and the rest of Bangtan Boys standing in front of me, as though trying to protect me. Hoseok was here too and I hadn't expected him.

"What do you all think you are trying to do?" Namjoon stepped up and asked the entire student body. Since he was the student body president, he was an influential person and almost everyone, including the teachers, looked up to him. 

"Could you step aside, Namjoon? We were just trying to teach a whore to understand how things work around here," A random boy with blonde hair replied back, obviously a senior.

"A whore, Ha Kyeon? I don't see any whores here except the lot of you," I watched as everyone started to tense up when Seokjin oppa spoke. 

Whispers started to ring through the hallway and a junior from my class stood out, "Seokjin oppa, there's no need for you and the rest of Bangtan to protect a whore who has been torturing you all. We all know the story so cut the act," 

"What act? I don't see any act here," Yoongi oppa who is usually the silent one answered her. 

Jimin, who looked furious, joined in. "If you're looking for a whore, look at yourself,"

"Those rumors you all hear about Hana noona are false. We befriended because we wanted to. Why? Is there a rule that states the Bangtan Boys can't have any other friends than one another?" When Jungkook spoke, the hallway was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

"Who the fuck is spreading these horrible rumors about Hana?" Everyone turned to stare at Hoseok. He was normally the bright and happy one in the group but it seems as though the tables have turned. He looked so angry and if Namjoon hadn't held him back, he would've punched a few lockers to show how agitated he was.

"The torture and prostitution rumors were spread around unknowingly. But the one obvious rumor is Hana cheating on Hoseok with Taehyung. Care to elaborate?" Jessica, another senior whom I have worked with for the music club, asked.

As Taehyung was about to speak up, Hoseok beat him to it. "I will admit that I do have feelings for Hana. But that doesn't mean that she is cheating on me. We aren't even together. I will also admit that I have lost to Taehyung. If she's happy with him, then who am I to separate the two?" 


Hoseok turned to Taehyung and smiled. "Just take her and leave. We'll take care of matters here," Taehyung nodded silently before leading me out of the protective circle and brought me out of the school. Outside, my tears came down like a waterfall and I didn't dare look at Taehyung at all.

"Hey. It's alright. Come on, I'll take you home," Taehyung offered as he led me to his car.

"If it's alright with you, Tae, would you mind taking me somewhere else?"

* * *

"Hey, oppa. It's been awhile since I've came and talked to you. How have you been? Good?" I asked as I wiped the dirt off my older brother, Kwon Ah's picture on the grave. Taehyung was standing beside me, holding onto an umbrella since it was raining.

"You remember the car crash incident. right? And I'm very sure you remember Taehyung, right? Well, oppa, guess what? I remembered my first memory after the incident today. And it involved Taehyung. Can you believe it? It was almost the same situation and the memory hit me like a bull. It hurt, but Tae was there to help me," 

"Something happened at school today, oppa. Something bad. But it wasn't anything that I couldn't handle. I'm strong, right, oppa?" The tears I tried to held back flowed. 

"I wished you were still here, oppa. I wished you were here so I could tell you how much it hurt and hug you tight. I miss you, oppa. I miss you so much," 

The rain started to pour heavily all of a sudden and I got up from my kneeling position. Placing a kiss on my fingers, I placed the kiss to my brother's picture. "I love you, oppa, to the moon and back. I'll come again soon. Until then, you better don't forget me," 

Taehyung hugged me tight as we walked out of the graveyard in the pouring rain. As we entered the car, Taehyung couldn't stop staring at me and I guess I owed him an apology. "Sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to drive me here. It's just so frustrating. I remember when I was young, when I had worries and doubts, my brother would be the first person that I went to. But now that he's gone, I don't have anyone,"

"That's not true, Hana. You have so many people in your life who love you just as much. You have Lynna. You have the boys. And you have me. I'm not going anywhere, Hana, not even when you hate me one day and want me to disappear off the earth," I smiled and hugged Taehyung, thanking him. We didn't kiss then or any time after, it was just hugging and I was content.

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