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"Lynna? Is that you?" I stared at my childhood best friend who moved to the states four years ago without any means of contact.

"No, bitch. It's Emma fucking Watson. Of course it's Lynna, gurllllllll," She rolled her eyes before running towards me and crushing me in one of her legendary bear hugs.

"Where have you been? I thought you left to the states?!" I was at the verge of crying when I realised that I wasn't alone with Lynna in the room. "I just came home two days ago and since I was coming to this school, I met Jungkook over there when I registered just now, which the principal had him show me around." She blushed as the boy with a cute smile standing by the door smirked.

"Hm.." I smirked in response before Hoseok jerked me back to reality. "As I was saying, I wanted to introduce you to the guys. I mean, I actually want to be friends with you, but I have no idea how, so I ended up dragging you here. You don't mind, do you? Cause I'm terrible in making friends." I giggled and shook my head, saying I didn't mind. I was a loner at school, so knowing a few more people won't be a big of a matter I guess.

He held out his hand for me to hold as he brought me close to the ones he introduced. The boy with the broad shoulders is Jin, then a boy with a sugar sweet smile is called Yoongi but prefers to be called Suga. Those two are in the same year as me and Hoseok. Then comes the juniors, the boy with blonde hair is Namjoon and the boy with a flirty attitude is Jimin. A childish boy by the name of Taehyung is a year younger than Namjoon and Jimin. The last was Jungkook, who I was unofficially introduced to awhile back.

"Hello, Hana. It's nice to meet you." Namjoon said as I smiled, waving and muttered a short and simple 'hello' back.

"Hana means flower in Japanese right?" I nodded, "Well, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Jimin smiled and I felt the warmth creep up my cheeks.

"Okay, okay. Stop flattering her, Jimin." Lynna came to my rescue before I looked down to my wrist and read the time on the watch. 11.45am. Okay. Wait, what?! 11.45am?! "Holy crud. I have to go now. I have French next and I don't want to be late cause Mdm. Pom is scary as hell."

I waved goodbye before holding tight onto my backpack and rushed out of the classroom and away from the building, reaching my French class just in time for the bell to ring.


The more I thought of the reasons why someone like Hoseok would want to befriend someone like me, the more I couldn't concentrate on my French quiz. The questions, which I've read through the moment I got the paper, were really easy, but my mind was really fuzzy right now, so concentration is my weakness at the moment.

"Miss Jang, please stop staring at your test paper like it has something on it and start doing it. You only have ten minutes left." I gulped and ignored the stares that were directed to me from the class and tried to focus on my paper.

I quickly finished the rest of the questions before my mind become clouded with millions of useless questions. Leaning back against my chair, I let out a small sigh as I noticed I have two minutes left before Mdm. Pom stop everyone from writing and collect our test papers. I took the opportunity to skim through and check my answers.

"Time is up, class! Stop writing and give me a moment as I go around to collect your papers. No talking is allowed until I've finished collecting all of them. Mister Bates, I said stop writing!" I gulped at Mdm. Pom's loud voice and nearly flinched.

When everything is done and Mdm. Pom finally dismissed us, I walked out of the class with a daze until I noticed Lynna was leaning against the wall opposite the door, waiting for me. "Come on, we've got study hall with the boys."

She dragged me towards the large hall we have on the other end of the building. On normal days like today, the hall is used as a hall for studying which we all have an hour a day. These time, I usually spend it at the library, reading. But now, I was being dragged towards the entrance of the hall by Lynna who ignored all my protests.

"But I don't wanna~" I pouted and did my best expression of the puppy dog eyes to Lynna. But she didn't seem dazed by any of it and continued to drag me until we were inside the hall and almost everyone was staring at us.

"Hey, they're over there. Come on!" I sighed in defeat and let Lynna, who was strong even though she's like three years younger than me, drag me towards the table at the far end of the hall, where all seven of the Bangtan Boys sat.

If looks could kill, I would be dead by now, considering the amount of stares and glares directed at me and Lynna as we arrived the boys' table, not to mention the whispers, which were getting more and more by the moment.

"Come, don't be shy." Jungkook said as I stared at his gaze and smile, which were directed to Lynna by the way.

She nodded and began to get comfortable in the seat next to him. She ushered me to sit, which I contemplated judging by the stares and whispers, but gave up in the end and sat next to Hoseok.

The Bet [BTS J-Hope] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now