Chapter 16

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Sana pov
I was swimming today because I was really bored. I had to go meet with my father and my mother because they wanted to talk about something and  I didn't have school today because it was a Saturday I was going to hang out with Yuri today but my parents decided to talk to me today so I was on my way there it's a little bit weird my parents rarely speak to me unless it's something important or they're just going to tell me bad news. The bad news could be about someone dying mermaids do die like humans even though it only takes us 500 years to die from old age. I think this news is about my uncle he's been really bad I know this because Joy told me. Joy is my first cousin. I tried talking to Joy but she's not picking up. Anyway, I get to the manor and go inside and my mom and dad are in the living room waiting to greet me. My parents were always the cold type never really had an interest in me or anyone for that matter except each other. Technically they were never there for me just financially but they were sweet once I came home sometimes there was always wondering how my life was going they don't like my mate that much but they're willing to see through it I guess.

Mom: oh honey you took so long I thought you were coming but I guess it's really far or where you live.
Sana: there was traffic on the way here you know because I had to go to the beach I have made sure there were no humans.
Dad: good then you don't have to worry about that
Sana: Dad doesn't worry it's not my first rodeo anyway what did you guys want to talk about.
Dad: well me and your mother are  going to out  for a few days and we were wondering if you would be able to look after the kingdom  while we're gone.
Sana: oh okay I'll stay here when are you leaving.
Mom: Tomorrow ok then it's settled I will tell the maids later I want to know how your school is going are you getting good grades?
Sana: yeah I'm getting A's
Dad: well that's wonderful darling I'm really proud of you honey.
Mom: Yeah we are.

I was shocked, to say the least, they never say those things I've never said them saying I'm proud of you for doing anything in my life maybe they're trying to change.
After a few minutes, we talked and it getting late so I was going home I  drove back home and saw Huynjin on the couch watching some TV.
I go up to him and he opens his arms and I go in and snuggled into him and smell the sweet scent that always gives me calmness whenever I go to my parent's house he comes over to my apartment and stays there waiting for me cuddle.

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