Chapter 17

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Jisoo pov
So today I was busy I have to go visit my grandma for some spells I also had to go to work and I guess talk to my parents. I work at a local cafe the cafe is really cute at all species are welcomed not just humans because some cafes it's only humans. I think any one of our species hates humans humans are very judgemental. Anyway I get on with my day after I finish my shift I go to my grandma's house and we study some spells and I learn and then I have to practice and then I kind of turn a plant into a rat and then I can't turn it back so yeah and then after. My grandma was tired so I decided to go to my parents house because have to talk to about my mate. Every friend I have has been having problems with their parents about their mates which is ridiculous  we don't get to decide who are mates are it's fate and normally fate is always right so why are they so dictating about who we end up with okay . We get it some of you are like natural enemies and stuff . Stopping little babies and suck it up it's not hurting anyone.

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