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"Come on Shannon! I have to go! Dont make me late again!"  Joey shouted up the stairs at me. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror as i passed by. my long black hair was pulled into a high ponytail. i didnt feel like getting all dressed up today so i put on a cute little top and slipped on my best pair of jeans and then i slipped into a comfortable pair of flats. then i joined my brother at the base of the stairs. "Can we go now?" he asked softly, smirking.

"Yes we can go now." i smiled and followed him out the door. We drove for about ten minutes and turned into the driveway of Joey's best friend Thomas's house. i jumped out of the car and went inside. i'd been in this house so much i felt like it was my own.

"Is that Joey?!" i heard Anthony's voice shout across the house.

"It better be. Hes late again!" Thomas shouted but you could hear the smile in his voice. When i rounded the corner and stepped into Thomas's living room, the guys all broke into big smiles.

"Shannon!" Colton said and jumped up to hug me. i smiled and hugged him back. "Its been forever since we've seen you." he said to me. before i could respond one of the other guys had my hands and took them from around coltons neck. i looked up and saw Thomas. he pulled me close and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Where's Joey been hiding you?" he asked me.

"I was finishing up at college." i responded with a smile on my face. he smiled back.

"All done now?"

"Yep and thanks to that trip to Canada you boys took, you all missed my graduation." i said turning to Anthony who was leaning against the far wall. he smirked and slowly approached me.

"So we have a celebration of our own. Right here, to celebrate our graduate." he said lowly. his voice was always so soft and it never failed... when Anthony spoke it sent shivers down my spine, always. "What  do you say Shy? Want to party with a boyband?" he asked low enough for only me to hear. 'Shy' was the nickname he'd given me a few years back. his excuse was that 'Shannon was a mouthful to say so he thought Shy would be better'. i just smiled at him.

"I can never walk into a room and you guys not having your hands on my sister." Joey said from behind me. it was only then that i noticed Anthony's warm hands were laying on my hips and my hands where on his chest, our faces dangerously close together. i turned in Anthony's arms and he pulled me closer, so my back was against his chest. i couldn't help but shiver from being so close to him. his arms tightened around me. "Where's Eric and Ellia?" Joey asked Thomas and before he could respond the front door slammed open.

"If you dont want this food to fall out of my hands i suggest you come get it!" Ellia's loud voice carried to my ears and the guys rushed to help her. Being Erics twin sister made her just as loud and crazy as he was. i laughed as she walked into the room empty handed and the guys had everything else.

"Is there anymore in the car?" Anthony asked

"No you boys can just settle for that. its not like there isnt enough food here to feed the army already." Ellia said putting her hands on her hips and shaking her hand at the amount of food being spread around the table by Colton and Joey. "Its a good thing i wasnt paying for it." Ellia said turning to me. "Hey darlin' i missed you while you were off getting educated." she joked and i pulled her in for a hug. Ellia went with the guys on the trip to Canada for their concert in Montreal, so i hadn't seen her the entire time. which was had on the both of us seeing as she was Joey's long-term girlfriend and my sister for the lack of a better word. she and Joey had been dating for so long, i've lost track of the years.

"Its good to be home." i said to her

"That it is darlin'. That it is." she said. "Come on lets eat, before there isnt anything left." we laughed and joined the boys at the table.

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