Not Yours

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"Shy wait! Please!" i heard Anthony shout as i walked away but i didnt turn back. Normally im a very calm person but i think i have the right to be slightly upset. i walked to Joey's car and just stood next to it. i came here with Eric so i really had no way home so i'd just stand here and think. i heard footsteps coming closer and looked up surprised to see Eric approaching me. he gave me a sad smile and leaned on his car which was parked right next to Joey. for a few minutes we were quiet, but he broke the silence first.

"i would have told you if i knew how." he said.

"Eric, dont. Just dont go there. im trying not to think about it."

"So are you and Anthony over?" he asked looking down at the ground.

"Im not really sure. i need time to think."

"Then take the tickets for Italy i gave you." Eric and i jumped at the sound of Anthony's voice off to our left. we turned as saw him standing a few feet away. "The ones i gave you for your birthday remember. take them and go to Italy. Have a little vacation. Time to think." he said

"Theres two tickets Anthony."

"Then take Eric." Anthony said turning to leave. "I'm sure he'd love to go." he walked off leaving us behind. i turned back to Eric. who seemed just as confused as me.

"Well a vacation isnt a bad idea." Eric said.

"Yeah it does... but i think i'll go alone." i said.

"come on its no fun if you go alone. If you dont want me there take Ellia or Joey." Eric said and the more i thought about it, the better Italy sounded as a great get away.


2 month later


i had decided to take Joey with me, have some brother sister bonding time, it was more like Joey demanded he go. instead of just staying in Italy, Joey decided we tour Europe. it had been two months before we knew it and Joey had gotten a text from Ellia that said he needed to come home. So we were now pulling into the drive way of Eric and Ellia's house.

"Look Thomas is here too." Joey said pointing at Thomas's car. i nodded and got out. when we walked in we found that Colton and Anthony had gotten a ride with Thomas, so the whole band was here. "So whats with the text saying we needed to come home?" Joey asked moving to kiss Ellia but she stopped him.

"I have something to say and i promise you wont want to kiss me when i say it." she said, she looked like she'd been crying.

"What are you talking about? Have you been crying." Joey asked taking her face in his hands to get a better look at her.

"Joey stop." she pulled his hands away. thats when i notice how close Thomas was to her. She was sitting on the couch, Eric to her right and Anthony on Eric's right. but Thomas  sat on the arm of the couch next to Ellia. it was almost like he was hovering over her or something. "Just listen, ok?"

"Of course. Im listening sweetheart." he said kneeling in front of her.

"i dont know how to say this....." she said.

"Just saying it Ellia." Eric said crossing his arms across his chest. "Just tell him like you told us."

"Tell what?" Joey said.

"Im pregnant..." Ellia said. it took a second but Joeys face lit up.

"What?! thats great!" he said but she didnt look so happy.

"Why aren't you happy about it?" i asked her, halting Joey's celebrating. He turned to her waiting for the answer. she sighed.

"Its not your baby."

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