Getting Ready

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Lots of fighting and screaming later Eric danced around celebrating the fact that he was the champion. Ellia pulled out her phone and checked the time.

"Well im sure you boys dont need as much time as we do to get ready so i think Shannon and i are going to head over to my house to get ready." she said looking up at me. i nodded and went to grab my bag full of stuff that i'd need to get ready and kissed Anthony before heading out the door.

At Ellia's house she told me to shower first while she picked out an outfit. as i showered i focused my thoughts on tonight. i'd been out to parties and clubs with all the guys but never as one of their girlfriends. i dont know how much different this would be. when i got out of the shower, Ellia got in and i focused on my hair. i blow dried it and straightened then added some curl to the ends. my dress was blue with a gold belt. i put on some gold jewelry and picked up my gold heels and set them by the door.  when i was done getting dressed Ellia came out the shower, so i went in to do my make-up.

about two hours later we were ready to go. Ellia was wearing a black lace dress and some black platforms. her long black hair was done in curly ringlets  and her make-up matched the sliver belt around her waist.

"i dont see how you wear heels around Joey. hes short. " i said smiling at her four inch heels and she was already 5'7"

"we work past that. and in heels im not that much taller than him because im short too."

"yeah ok." i rolled my eyes.

"Well we've got thirty minutes to waist. What do you want to do?" Ellia asked and before i could answer the front door opened and Eric walked in.

"Hey ladies, i forgot my jacket here earlier." he stopped when he saw me. "Wow. Shannon you look amazing." he said his eyes wondering over me. and there he stood in his normal Eric swag, looking pretty good himself but i wasnt going to tell him that.

"Keep moving Eric. Dont let Anthony catch you watching his girl." Ellia said from where she was leaning against the wall. Eric just look back at her and scoffed.

"So what type of party is this?" i asked him.

"Lauren's birthday party." Eric said.

"Interesting." Ellia said looking at Eric with a funny look, which he then returned.

"Ok you two are doing that funky twin thing." i said

"What funky twin thing?" eric asked turning back to me

"the funky twin thing were you're either reading each others minds or having a conversation with your eyes." they looked at each other again but Ellia shook her head and looked away.

"you girls ready to go?" Eric asked. i nodded and suddenly Ellia seemed upset, maybe her bi-polar disorder was kicking in. we used to tease her about being bi-polar because she has major mood swings . as we walked out the door i heard her talking to Eric.

"You convinced Anthony to bring her didnt you." Ellia whispered furiously.

"yeah i did but he said he'd tell her before the party so she wouldnt be upset." Eric whispered back. Damn they cant whisper to save their lives. i just listened but pretended not to.

"if this is the Lauren im thinking about she'll get upset anyway!"


"Dont shush me Eric Secharia. dont you think she needs to know?"

"its not our place to tell her Ellia, its Anthony's." he said walking out the door. when he passed me he smiled at me.

"Ready babe?" he said and got into his car. i climbed into the back seat and let the still visibly pissed of Ellia into the front seat. this would be an interesting night. i wondered what Anthony had been hiding from me that everyone else knew.

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